WoW Classic Season of Discovery: All known Priest Runes and where to find them

Priests are incredible in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
WoW Classic Season of Discovery's Priests are getting a lot of love (Image via Blizzard)

WoW Classic Season of Discovery’s Priest was already an amazing healer. These Runes will help all specs, but in particular, Shadow Priest. The Shadow Specialization felt kind of mediocre in vanilla, but at level 25, they will be armed with plenty of powerful abilities to survive the upcoming Blackfathom Deeps raid. However, there are still several new powers that have not been uncovered by players.


As we spend more time delving deep into WoW Classic Season of Discovery, we will update this with any additional Priest Runes and where exactly you can find them in World of Warcraft.

Quite a few familiar, modern abilities are coming to the classic Priest.

Priest Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, and where to locate them

1) Void Plague

“Afflicts the target with a disease that causes Shadow damage over 18s.”

All races are looking for Memory of a Dark Purpose in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. Below are the places this item drops for all would-be Shadow Priests.

  • Human: Elwynn Forest’s Goldtooth.
  • Dwarf: Leper Gnome outside of Gnomerregan. Can also be looted in a cache near Gibblewilt.
  • Night Elf: Furbolg Cave Ban’ethil Barrow Den, down in the bottom, where you get the last of the four boxes for your quest.
  • Undead: In western Tirisfal Glades (25, 48), defeat Gillgar.
  • Troll: Kul Tiras Sailors and Kul Tiras Marines in Durotar drop the item.

2) Twisted Faith

“Mind Flay and Mind Blast deal 20% increased damage to targets afflicted with your Shadow Word: Pain.”

Requires the item Memory of a Devout Champion, which drops in different places for each race of Priest in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.

  • Human: Undying Laborer Elite in Westfall (Gold Coast Quarry). Defeat with Holy Damage.
  • Dwarf: Loch Modan’s Kobold cave. Defeat them until you receive an Offering Coin. Head to the well (first left inside the cave) and throw the coin down.
  • Night Elf: NE Darkshore, kill nagas until you receive Shatterspear Offering. Drop down the pit of the Ruins of Mathystra and use the offering on a statue underwater.
  • Undead: In Spiverpine Forest (60, 74), defeat Wailing Spirit to receive the item.
  • Troll: In the Barrens, defeat Razormane mobs to receive Helping Hand item. Use Resurrection on someone to make the hand open and grant you the Rune.

3) Shared Pain

“Your Shadow Word: Pain now also afflicts up to 2 additional nearby targets within 15y.”

WoW Classic Season of Discovery Priests are definitely going to want this to make certain they can DPS groups of foes more efficiently. Requires Memory of an Imprisoned Savior item. Undead Mages are also going to be nearby for the Tirisfal Farmer, as Living Flame unlocks nearby.

  • Human: Fargodeep/Jasperlode Mine Kobold Miners drop this.
  • Dwarf: Defeat Captain Beld in Dun Morogh.
  • Night Elf: Defeat Lord Melenas in Dolanaar, in a cave.
  • Undead: Tirisfal Farmer drops this.
  • Troll: Makasgar and Gazz’uz in Durotar both drop this.

4) Homunculi

“Break off splinters of your soul to animate 3 miniature copies of yourself that attempt to attack your current target with a mace, sword, and axe, reducing the attack speed, attack power, and armor respectively of any target they hit.”

Requires the Prophecy of a Desecrated Citadel item. Interestingly enough, you can farm Shared Pain around the same time, as the Solliden Farmstead is next to this area.

  • Human: Defias enemies on Stonecairn Lake Island.
  • Dwarf: Frostmane Seer and Frostmane Shadowcaster at Shimmer Ridge drop this.
  • Night Elf: Fel Rock Cave’s Rascal Sprite drops it.
  • Undead: Scarlet Warrior and Scarlet Missionary near Solliden Farmstead drop this.
  • Troll: Voodoo Trolls near Zalazane drop this item.

5) Prayer of Mending

“Places a spell on the target that heals them the next time they take damage or receive healing. When the heal occurs, Prayer of Mending jumps to a party or raid member within 20y. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 30s after each jump. This spell can only be placed on one target at a time.”

Note: Requires another healer of any class to help with a ritual. Will require Adventurer's Remains or Adventurer's Spirit, depending on what race/zone you’re in for this WoW Classic Season of Discovery mission.

  • Human: East of a hill in southern Elwynn Forest (52, 84.5)
  • Dwarf: Grizzled Den (43.0, 49.6)
  • Night Elf: Near the Oracle Glade (33.6, 33.5)
  • Troll: South of the Valley of Trials (48.0, 79.6)

6) Penance

“Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing Holy damage to an enemy or healing to an ally, instantly and every 1s for 2s.”
  • All races: Unlock Memory of a Troubled Acolyte by completing Level 2 quest from class trainer.

7) Shadow Word: Death

“A word of dark binding that inflicts Shadow damage to the target. If the target is not killed by Shadow Word: Death, the caster takes damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the target.”

Requires obtaining the Prophecy of a King’s Demise item. To learn the Rune, you need to have two different Meditation buffs on at once.

  • Human: Westfall’s Leprithus drops it.
  • Dwarf: Loch Modan’s Mo’grosh Enforcer needs to be defeated.
  • Night Elf: While near the Darkshore docks (30.5, 47.5), interact with a glowing orb on a tiny island.
  • Undead: Near Thule Ravenclaw, in the top tower of Fenris Isle in Silverpine Forest, loot the scroll to gain the item.
  • Troll: West of Ratchet in the Barrens (57.4, 37.8), and dispel the Desert Mirage. It will die and drop the Rune.

8) Serendipity

“Healing with Flash Heal reduces the cast time of your next Lesser Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, or Prayer of Healing by 20% for 20s, stacking up to 3 times.”
  • Alliance and Horde: This is sold by Grizzby in Ratchett. Once you complete three side quests for him at level 25, he will sell you the rune: Shredder Turbochargers, Dark Iron Ordinance, and Fish Oil. The Rune costs 5g.

9) Strength of Soul

“Lesser Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, and Flash Heal reduce the remaining duration of Weakened Soul on targets they heal by 4s. In addition, targets of your Power WOrd: Shield will gain Rage from taking damage despite the damage being absorbed, and Righteous Fury will trigger from damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield as if it were a heal.”

Note: You need to have two different Meditation buffs active at once to learn this spell.

  • All races: Gain Primal Insight from the Thistlefur mobs in Ashenvale. Climb the tree at (38, 29), past the cave entrance. Use the item near the Dreamcatcher.

10) Power Word: Barrier

“Summons a holy barrier to protect all party members at the target location for 10s, reducing all damage taken by 25% and preventing damage from delaying and spellcasting.”
  • Alliance: Loot Prophecy of a City Enthralled from the Orc Elites in Redride Mountains Stonewatch. You must have two different Meditation buffs active at once.

11) Mind Sear

“Causes an explosion of shadow magic around the enemy target, causing Shadow damage every 1s for 5s to all enemies within 10y around the target.”
  • All races: Reach Honored with Durotar Supply and Logistics, for 4g 50s.

12) Circle of Healing

“Heals all of target player’s party members within 40y of target player.”
  • All races: Defeat Defias Night Runners and Defias Enchanters in Duskwood. Bring it to (90, 30) in NE Darkshire. Be careful, as there are high-level foes nearby. You also need two different Meditation buffs to be active at once.

13) Mind Spike (Phase 2)

“Blasts the target for 108 to 126 Shadowfrost damage, and increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%, stacking up to 3 times.”

Mind Spike is in WoW Classic Season of Discovery! Get ready for high Shadowfrost damage, and to increase your critical strike chance on your next Mind Blast. Since it stacks up to 3 times, you can almost guarantee a Mind Blast crit, with a few casts of this spell.

  • Head to Desolace, and pick up the Highway Robbery quest at (47, 54)’s Extinguished Campfire.
  • Go to (63, 39), near Kormek’s Hut. Turn in to Bibbly F’utzbuckle, and get On The Lam.
  • Go to Booty Bay’s inn. Turn in the quest to Tokal, and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her a Cherry Grog, for the next quest, No Honor Among Thieves.
  • Go to the bridge between Arathi Highlands and Wetlands (53, 91) and go to the Rowboat. Interact with it to be teleported.
  • Look for Illari Duskfeather and chat with her. Your choice will result in a fight, so beat her, and loot the bag she drops for Illari’s Key. Open the chest to get the Rune.

14) Pain Suppression (Phase 2)

“Instantly reduces all damage taken by a friendly target by 40% and increases resistance to Dispel mechanics by 65% for 8 sec.”

Pain Suppression is a popular priest spell in World of Warcraft, so I’m glad to see it here as well. To unlock it, you need to find Memory of a Leader’s Betrayal. This one requires you to go to four zones, and find specific “Echos”. You can find the appropriate coordinates below:

  • Graveyard Echo: Scarlet Monastery (Graveyard): Near where the Headless Horseman spawns in Retail. Halfway through the grave area, and look to your left.
  • Arathi Echo: Arathi Highlands, Goshek Farm, (62, 54)
  • Theramore Echo: Dustwallow Marsh, (63.5, 42.5)
  • Swamp Echo: Swamp of Sorrows, (16.8, 53.8)
  • Take these items to the Scarlet Monastery Library. Go to the statues of the various classes, and use the echos in a specific order:
  • Warrior: Swamp Echo
  • Mage: Arathi Echo
  • Paladin: Theramore Echo
  • Priest: Graveyard Echo
  • Loot the Memory of a Leader’s Betrayal from a glowing orb, and gain this Rune.

15) Empowered Renew (Phase 2)

“Your Renew now heals one extra time immediately when applied, and gains 15% increased benefit each time it heals from your bonus healing effects. In addition, your Renew can now be active on targets affected by another Priest's Renew.”

I’m a big fan of anything that gives additional healing procs, so I think Empowered Renew is going to be a very useful WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 2 Rune. Unfortunately, while it does give you an additional Renew heal immediately, and is quite powerful, it’s going to take some grinding.


Grinding locations

  • Thousand Needles: Look for the Grimtotem Mobs, such as Grimtotem Stomper. A good farming spot is around (34.4, 30.6).
  • Alterac Mountains: Crushridge Ogre mobs also drop this Rune. Look to the eastern edge of the snowy portion of Alterac, particularly near (52.8, 44.6), and you will find the Ogres.

The only downside to this Rune is how tedious it could be to get it to drop. You could get lucky and find it on the first kill. Or, you could be here for hours, even days to find it. Either way, these are your grinding locations to try and unlock it.


16) Renewed Hope (Phase 2)

“Your heals from Flash Heal, Lesser Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, and Penance have 10% increased critical effect chance when cast on targets with Weakened Soul.”

Renewed Hope is an incredibly powerful Rune for Priests in WoW Classic. You have a +10% increased critical effect chance on specific healed targets: Ones with Weakened Soul. That means, anytime you shield someone and then quickly pop a heal on them, you could crit.

  • Head to Desolace and kill Nagas until you acquire Unsettling Vision.
  • Use Mind Control on a Slitherblade Tide Priestess, so you can get her to cast Meditation on you.
  • Use the Unsettling Vision to learn the Rune.

It’s recommended you be around level 33 for this Rune. In addition, you need to be careful: A level 38 Elite giant patrols this area. Fight the Nagas in the water until you get the required item. Then, Mind Control the Priestess, click on your player frame and cast the buff on yourself from the Priestess. You need to act fast and kill her before the buff ends, and then use the Unsettling Vision item.


17) Dispersion (Phase 2)

“You disperse into pure Shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by 90%. You are unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% mana every 1 sec for 6 sec. Dispersion can be cast while stunned, feared, or silenced and clears all snare and movement impairing effects when cast, and makes you immune to them while dispersed.”

This is a very interesting Rune. It requires other classes, otherwise you can’t get it. You need a Rogue and a Mage to unlock Dispersion, which is an interesting reference to the classic PVP team involving these three classes.

  • Find a Rogue who has Master of Subtlety Rune, and has Jani’s Charm. They must then equip the charm and Pick Pocket the trolls of Stranglethorn Vale (in particular, Bloodscalp Scavengers) until you get a Mysterious Troll Scroll.
  • Find a mage who will use a Comprehension Charm to decipher the Scroll. This creates a Deciphered Troll Scroll.
  • Head to (28.9, 652.0) in Stranglethorn Vale and loot the Holy Spring Water.
  • With two Meditation Buffs going, go to the Ruins of Zul’Kunda in Stranglethorn Vale, where Gan’Zulah spawns (23.6, 8.2). Use the Holy Spring Water next to the fountain behind Gan’zulah, and then interact with it. Loot the fountain and gain the Rune.

18) Spirit of the Redeemer (Phase 2)

“Activate to become the Spirit of Redemption for 10 sec. While in this form, you can cast any healing spell free of cost, but you cannot move, attack, be attacked, or be targeted by any spells or effects. Requires Spirit of Redemption talent to activate, and you will no longer enter Spirit of Redemption upon dying.”

If you want to become the Spirit of Redemption before you die in WoW Classic, this is a safe way to get a ton of big heals out quickly. However, you lose access to this temporary form upon death, so it’s a fair trade.

  • Head to Deadwind Pass and talk to the Dalaran Agent at Ariden’s Camp (52, 35) for the Ariden’s Sigil item. Equip it, or travel with another player who has it equipped. You need to find and kill seven Dark Rider Elites, after using it to reveal the Rider. Each one grants a Dalaran Relic. The Dalaran Presence buff is a hint that one’s near.
  • Deadwind Pass at (43, 29)
  • Duskwood at (23, 47)
  • Swamp of Sorrows at (69, 28)
  • Arathi Highlands at (60, 40)
  • Badlands at (58, 54)
  • The Barrens at (52, 36)
  • Desolace at (65, 25)
  • Return to the Dalaran Agent with all the relics, and turn them in for exp and money. You gain the Rune as the final reward.

WoW Classic Season of Discovery’s Priest has a wealth of useful abilities. Priests, in particular, are among the best healers in the game’s current iteration. If you want to reliably heal in World of Warcraft, this class is worth picking up.

Check out our WoW Rune guides for specific classes

Druid Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery || Mage || Priest || Paladin || Rogue || Warlock || Warrior || Shaman || Hunter

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Edited by Ritoban "Veloxi" Paul
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