The Best Runes and talents for Druids in WoW Classic Season of Discovery largely depends on how you want to play. No class on the Clfassic-era servers has more options than a Druid does. You can tank, heal, and do magical and physical DPS through just three trees. The only class that comes close is Shaman - and that’s only because of the new tank Runes it has received.
If you’re looking to play this flexible class, and need to know the best Runes and talents for Druids in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, we’ve got you covered. This will change as the various Phases add more levels, talents, and Runes. As updates come to the game, we’ll adjust this accordingly.
Best Runes and talents for Druids in WoW Classic Season of Discovery
1) Tanking (Feral)

Many of the best Runes and talents for Druids are going to be largely the same, regardless of what spec you’re going for. There are some minor differences, but the focus is going to be on the Balance tree for the time being. Since we don’t have enough points to really get something going in the Feral tree, we’re in Balance for now. Druids are still a solid, reliable tank on the Classic-era servers, and worth playing even in phase 1.
Nature’s Grasp and Improved Nature’s Grasp gives you a chance to inflict Entangling Roots onto someone who attacks you - but only outdoors. This lasts for 45s after casting the spell. Natural Weapons makes you deal more damage with your physical attacks in all Druid forms.
This leads to Omen of Clarity, which makes your melee strikes have a chance for a Clearcasting state. This will make the Mana, Rage, or Energy cost of your next attack or healing ability to be reduced to 0, and lasts 10 minutes.
Finally, Furor gives you a 100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear/Dire Bear Form, or 40 Energy when you shift to Cat Form. This is incredibly useful no matter which build you go with.
As far as the Druid’s Rune collection goes, a few of these will be seen again throughout other builds. Wild Strikes grants party members increased combat ferocity while you’re in Cat/Bear/Dire Bear forms. Each melee hit has a 20% chance of granting additional Attack Power. However, if you have Windfury Totem active due to a Shaman, this won’t trigger.
Lacerate deals a bleed, plus 20% weapon damage per application of Lacerate, and also causes a large amount of threat. You can stack this up to five times, similar to Sunder Armor for Warriors.
Then you have Skull Bash, which is a charge that rams into a target to interrupt any spell that they were casting. It also prevents spells of that school from being cast for 2s. It shares a cooldown with Feral Charge, so use this wisely in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
- Nature’s Grasp: 1/1
- Improved Nature’s Grasp: 4/4
- Furor: 5/5
- Natural Weapons: 5/5
- Omen of Clarity: 1/1
- Enchant Chest: Wild Strikes
- Enchant Hands: Lacerate
- Enchant Legs: Skull Bash
2) Healing (Restoration)

Restoration Druid always feels incredibly polarizing. Some people love the freedom the wealth of HOTs (Heal over Time) they produce, while others wish they did more healing faster. While they rank lower on the Healer tier list, they are still worth playing.
Improved Wrath is important to make the spell cast faster, and then you can worry about improving the stats you grant with Improved Mark of the Wild. Improved Healing Touch is to make that heal cast faster, and finally, Reflection for more mana regeneration while casting.
The best Runes and talents for Druids in WoW Classic Season of Discovery are pretty simple for Restoration builds. Fury of Stormrage reduces the mana cost of Wrath by 100% and each time you deal damage with it, you have a 12% chance to make your Healing Touch within the next 15s be instant cast.
Wild Growth is an incredible AoE heal, giving a major heal at first, and slowing down as the HOT winds down to the end of its duration. You also want the useful AoE damage spell Starsurge for your final Rune. It benefits from and triggers most effects that also benefit Wrath and Starfire, giving great synergy on the WoW Classic Season of Discovery servers.
- Improved Wrath: 5/5
- Improved Mark of the Wild: 5/5
- Improved Healing Touch: 5/5
- Reflection: 1/3
- Enchant Chest: Fury of Stormrage
- Enchant Hands: Wild Growth
- Enchant Legs: Starsurge
3) DPS (Balance and Feral)

If you’re going to DPS as a Druid in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, you can either go Balance or Feral. Unfortunately, you don’t get Cat Form until level 20, and Balance won’t be available until around Phase 2.
Improved Wrath makes a return in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, and they’ll also use Improved Moonfire to increase critical strike chance and damage for that spell. Improved Thorns is another must, as is Nature’s Reach to increase the range of most of their spells. Finally, a point in Vengeance to increase the critical strike chance of Starfire, Moonfire, and Wrath by 20% is wildly useful.

We also see another familiar return for the best Runes and talents for Druids in WoW Classic Season of Discovery: Fury of Stormrage and Starsurge. They also want to use Sunfire, which gives the Druid a powerful nature spell that deals damage, and then a 12 dot. It’s available for Bear, Cat, and Dire Bear form, and triggers all effects associated with Moonfire.
If you’re going Feral, you’ll keep a similar build, but instead of going Improved Moonfire/Vengeance, put points into Natural Weapons, Omen of Clarity, and Furor. When it comes to Runes, Wild Strikes, Mangle, and Savage Roar are going to be the choices.
Balance talents
- Improved Wrath: 5/5
- Improved Moonfire: 5/5
- Vengeance: 1/5
- Improved Thorns: 3/3
- Nature's Reach: 2/2
- Enchant Chest: Fury of Stormrage
- Enchant Hands: Sunfire
- Enchant Legs: Starsurge
Feral talents
- Improved Wrath: 5/5
- Natural Weapons: 5/5
- Omen of Clarity: 1/1
- Furor: 5/5
- Enchant Chest: Wild Strikes
- Enchant Hands: Mangle
- Enchant Legs: Savage Roar
As future updates hit, we’ll revisit this, and other classes, to make sure they’re up-to-date on exactly what you need when it comes to the best Runes and talents for Druids in WoW Classic Season of Discovery