WoW Classic Season of Discovery: What is the BiS gear pre-raid for Paladin

When playing a Paladin in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, here's the BiS gear you want before BFD. (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Paladins in WoW Classic Season of Discovery have some pretty great BiS options ahead of Blackfathom Deeps. For those unfamiliar, BiS stands for Best in Slot, and it’s the most ideal piece of equipment you could equip at any given moment. Of course, Blackfathom Deeps will have upgrades for you, but what about getting ready for the new raid? Thankfully, two of the specs, Retribution and Protection, have mostly identical gear, other than, of course, needing a one-hander and shield.


We’ll review all three Paladin specs in WoW Classic Season of Discovery and give you a list of gear to shoot for and where you can find it in the world. Some of it might require dangerous exploration as an Alliance character, but it will be worth it.

Retribution Paladin’s BiS gear ahead of WoW Classic Season of Discovery’s Blackfathom Deeps


Paladin gear in WoW Classic Season of Discovery has some pretty solid options. There are pieces of gear you could get from your professions, such as the Shining Silver Breastplate, which can be upgraded via the Void-touched Armaments questline. You also have the option of going Engineering, and getting the Green Tinted Goggles - as Engineering is essentially the best profession in the game.

I would like to focus on non-profession Paladin gear, though, in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. I will highlight them but will try to give alternate options where available. However, some of these are World Drops - meaning they could drop anywhere, and others will require you to complete dungeons like Wailing Caverns and Deadmines.


Protection and Retribution BiS options:

  • Head: Sparkmetal Coif (Morbent Fel quest in Duskwood)
  • Neck: Sentinel’s Medallion (Warsong)
  • Shoulders: Glimmering Mail Pauldrons (World Drop)
  • Cloak: Cape of the Brotherhood (Deadmines) / Slayer’s Cape (World Drop)
  • Chest: Mutant Scale Breastplate (Wailing Caverns) / Shining Silver Breastplate (Blacksmithing)
  • Hands: Glimmering Mail Gauntlets (World Drop)
  • Wrist: Yorgen Bracers (World Drop) / Patterned Bronze Bracers (Blacksmithing)
  • Waist: Cobrahn’s Grasp (Wailing Caverns) / Garneg's War Belt (Rare drop off of Wetlands mob Garneg Charskull)
  • Legs: Chausses of Westfall (The Defias Brotherhood quest in Deadmines)
  • Feet: Draftsman Boots (Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle quest in Stonetalon Mountains)
  • Rings: Seal of Wrynn (The Unsent Letter into The Attack! Quest chains, from Edwin VanCleef), Silverlaine’s Family Seal (Shadowfang Keep)
  • Trinkets: Rune of Duty (Warsong - Friendly Reputation)
  • One-Handed Weapon (Protection): Beazel’s Basher
  • Shield (Protection): Commander’s Cest (Shadowfang Keep) / Crest of Darkshire (Bride of the Embalmer quest in Duskwood)
  • Two-Handed Weapon: Ancient War Sword (Defeat Nek’rosh quest in Wetlands)

Holy Paladins are going to be wearing much different gear compared to their DPS/Tanking counterparts. Primarily wearing cloth, they need similar gear to other healer specs in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.


Healer gear options:

  • Head: Shadow Goggles (Engineering)
  • Neck: Glowing Green Talisman (World Drop)
  • Shoulders: Feline Mantle (Shadowfang Keep)
  • Cloak: Caretaker’s Cape (World Drop)
  • Chest: Robes of Arugal (Shadowfang Keep)
  • Hands: Truefaith Gloves (Tailoring)
  • Wrist: Mindthrust Bracers (World Drop) / Fingerbone Bracers (Drops from Rare Forsaken Dark Stalker in Ashenvale)
  • Waist: Belt of Arugal (Shadowfang Keep)
  • Legs: Heavy Woolen Pants (Tailoring) / Darkweave Breeches (World Drop)
  • Feet: Spidersilk Boots (Tailoring)
  • Rings: Lorekeeper’s Ring (Warsong - Honored Reputation) / Deep Fathom Ring (Wailing Caverns)
  • Trinkets: Rune of Duty (Warsong - Friendly Reputation)
  • One-Handed Weapon: Viking Sword (World Drop)
  • Two-Handed Weapon: Verigan’s Fist (The Test of Righteousness Quest, which starts on the Tome of Valor quest)
  • Off-Hand: Eye of Paleth (Cleansing the Eye quest in Wetlands)

Unfortunately, Shadowfang Keep is a long walk for Alliance players. Still, it is an incredibly worthwhile dungeon, no matter what spec you’re running as a WoW Classic Season of Discovery Paladin.

WoW Classic Season of Discovery is still new, so there are likely going to be more secrets to uncover. These servers will be up for a year and will feature several phases of content, with each one offering something new and exciting to explore.

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Edited by Jito Tenson
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