WoW Classic SoD - All new class weapons introduced in Phase 5 (that we know so far)

WoW Classic SoD class weapons
There are new, amazing class weapons to unlock in WoW Classic SoD Phase 5 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

As a part of WoW Classic SoD Phase 5, each class has received a powerful new weapon to unlock. So far, one or two of these remain hidden, but as they become unlocked in the community, we’ll list them here. These are remarkably powerful pieces of gear that you can get and should be viable for most of your builds. For example, the mage staff can attune itself to all three elements, making it important for every Mage in the game.


To begin these, you’re going to need to be able to tackle the current raid content, such as Blackwing Lair. Read on to know where to find these new class weapons in WoW Classic SoD Phase 5.

All known class weapons added to WoW Classic SoD Phase 5

1) Mage: Staff of Order, Inferno, and Rime

The Mage staff can change into three different forms (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Mage staff can change into three different forms (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

To begin this WoW Classic SoD Phase 5 class weapon, you need to loot Scroll: SEENECS OF RIEF from Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, in Blackwing Lair. It’s not a guaranteed drop, so it may take time to get this.


Once you do, use a Comprehension Charm on it to create Scroll: Essence of Fire. Now, head to (14.8, 56.6) in western Burning Steppes and destroy the Fire Totem with Frost Magic. Defeat the Primordial Flame that spawns, which gives you Depleted Essence of Fire. Combine the two to get Imbued Essence of Fire.

The next step takes you to Valx Cracklequill in Everlook, Winterspring. Look to the left of the town entrance. This will lead you to another Magical Stone. Southern Winterspring (63.4, 68.8) is the next destination. It’s near Frostwhisper Gorge. Destroy this totem with Fire magic and then slay the Outcast Cryomancer for a Depleted Essence of Frost.


Kill Frostmaul Giants for the Scroll: SEENECS FO ROFTS, to gain a Scroll: Essence of Frost as a part of this WoW Classic SoD quest. Combine the two for Imbued Essence of Frost. The next step is Mazthoril, southwest of Everlook. Kill Manathirst Imps at (56.6, 50.4), until you get Scroll: SERELS PATALIS GNEMIND. You need to bring at least 5 Comprehension Charms though, because you also need to kill five Fel Interlopers from Fel Portals.


Use the teleporter in the cave to teleport up to Haleh, who gives you Incomplete Staff of Order. Combine it with your two essences to complete this weapon.

2) Paladin: Truthbearer

If you play Retribution or Holy, you'll want this blade (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
If you play Retribution or Holy, you'll want this blade (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

To unlock Truthbearer, the new WoW Classic SoD class weapon for Paladins, you need to complete a lengthy quest chain. It starts once you loot Blood of the Lightbringer from Broodlord Lashlayer in Blackwing Lair.


It’s an amazing sword that can shift between a two-handed sword and a one-handed healing sword. It’s easily one of the best WoW Classic SoD Phase 5 new class weapons, but it takes a significant amount of work. Here are the steps you need to take:

  • Step 1: Loot and activate Blood of the Lightbringer to get your first quest.
  • Step 2: Head to the Ruins of Andorhal, and interact with the Damaged Silver breastplate (46.96, 69.73). Return to the High Priest at Uther’s Tomb.
  • Step 3: Bring the Blood of the Lightbringer to Gregory at Caer Darrow (Scholomance).
  • Step 4: Head to Darkwhisper Gorge (56.4, 82.5) for the next step.
  • Step 5: Protect Gregory and survive waves of powerful demons - bring friends.
  • Step 6: Speak to Gregory in the Western Plaguelands.
  • Step 7: Speak to Chromie (39.4, 66.8) in Western Plaguelands and travel back in time to the Battle for Andorhal. Chromie suggests an idea that sends you back to Gregory at Caer Darrow.
  • Step 8: Go back to Aeonas at Uther’s Tomb.
  • Step 9: Speak to Gregory, until you are warned that you’re entering a solo instance. Accept it.
  • Step 10: Complete this solo challenge as a Ghoul, and acquire Scrap of Torn Cloth from Uther.
  • Step 11: Escape the city - fight your way to the inn and go through the portal. Defeat Rotgut on the other side.
  • Step 12: Receive Truthbearer from Aeonas.
  • Step 13: Consecrate the weapon at Demon Fall Canyon dungeon - defeat Azgaloth there.
  • Step 14: Say your farewells to Gregory, and receive Truthbearer.

3) Warlock: Scythe of Chaos

The Warlock weapon takes some work and grinding, but it's worth it (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Warlock weapon takes some work and grinding, but it's worth it (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

The powerful class weapon, Scythe of Chaos is the reward Warlocks can pick up in WoW Classic SoD Phase 5. Among its other powerful effects, it lets you harvest the soul of your summoned demon for a variety of useful effects:

  • Imp (Impish Delight): Increased Fire Damage
  • Voidwalker (Void Walking): Damage Immunity
  • Succubus/Incubus (Seduction of the Shadows): Increased Shadow Damage
  • Felhunter (Hunter of Chaos): Causes Curse of Tongues to Silence and Interrupt
  • Felguard (Fel Invigoration): Physical Damage Reduction, Improves Demon Charge

Once you’ve looted the Depleted Scythe of Chaos from Razorgore the Untamed, you can begin the quest chain, which takes you to Doan Karhan in The Barrens (49.2, 57.2). They will give you a new quest, which leads you to meet Xirath in Eastern Plaguelands (69.0, 32.0).


You will need to place suspicious supplies at the nearby ruins by clicking on Skeleton Piles. When you do, return to Xirath, and he’ll be targetable. Drain Soul on him to claim the Soul of Mischief, and use it, before heading back to Doan Karhan.

This time, they’re at Light’s Hope Chapel, so they’re closer by. This gives you your next quest in this lengthy WoW Classic SoD class weapon chain. The next step requires you to head to Corin’s Crossing and into the town hall and perform a demonic ritual.


You will need a few things to make sure you survive this ritual, though: 1x Major Spellstone, Shadow Ward, and Sacrifice. When you’ve sacrificed your health, use Drain Soul on the NPC that spawns, and use the soul you generate from it. Go back to Doan at Light’s Hope, and you’ll receive the next step.

Go to the Plaguewood next (32.6, 30.9) and head into the building here. Slay the NPC who drops an item for you to use to close the portal. Do this, and Drain Soul on the mob that spawns again, and use the soul that you generate. Head back to Doan again, for a new quest.


Once again, you’ll do some traveling to another part of the Eastern Plaguelands for the WoW Classic SoD Phase 5 quest chain. Head to Blackwood Lake (51.0, 48.0), and kill Shadow Mages until you get Shadow Carving. Now, kill Shadow Mages until a Felhunter spawns in combat. Use Drain Soul on it, and once again, use the soul you receive.

Speak to Doan again, and they’ll send you to Ashenvale for the final step. Head to (84.8, 70.6) at the entrance to Demon Fall Canyon. Enter the instance alone, and go to the left (before the trash packs). Summon Des’Altek at the altar, defeat him, and you can claim the Scythe of Chaos.


4) Druid: Gla’sir and Rae’lar

The Druid quest is easier than most, but it must be done alone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Druid quest is easier than most, but it must be done alone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

If you want the incredible pair of staves for Druids in WoW Classic SoD Phase 5, you need to first loot Chromatic Heart from Chromaggus in Blackwing Lair. Some players have claimed it also drops from Nefarion, but we cannot confirm that.


The first staff (Gla’sir) is for Balance/Restoration Druids, and the second is for Feral Druids. The only catch to this quest chain is that Druids must complete it alone. You cannot have any help once you have the item that starts it.

Head to Moonglad and speak to Orokai (41.6, 43.6), between Nighthaven and the Shrine of Remulos. They’ll give you the next quest, which sends you to Starfall Village in Winterspring. Find Nandieb there, northwest of Everlook (50.7, 27.9). If you’re alone, the portal will appear, where you need to enter and solve a trio of riddles.

  • Riddle 1: Cast Regrowth, Healing Touch, Cure Poison, and Rejuvenation on the tree to spawn a chest. Open it for the idol.
  • Riddle 2: Cast Faerie Fire on the lanterns to make an NPC cat spawn. Kill it and loot the second idol.
  • Riddle 3: Kill the sleeping bear, loot the final idol from it, and then combine the three to summon Nandieb. Kill him, and claim Nandieb’s Stave.

Bring this back to Moonglade and turn the quest in, to receive the weapon. Remember, you can teleport to Moonglade! It’s so much faster than going there by any other method.


5) Rogue: Dream Eater

It's imperative to not break stealth during portions of this WoW Classic quest (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
It's imperative to not break stealth during portions of this WoW Classic quest (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Razorgore the Untamed is yet again the target of our looting in WoW Classic SoD Phase 5, for this class weapon. You need to loot Intelligence Findings as a Rogue, to begin the first quest in this chain. It’s going to require you to Pickpocket Rage Talon Quartermaster in Lower Blackrock Spire. However, to make this as easy as possible, you need to have a few things:

  • Talent: Master of Deception (Subtlety)
  • Filcher’s Cowl (Quest: Biding our Time)
  • Darkmantle Boots (Quest: Anthion’s Parting Words)
  • Whisperwalk Boots (Quest The Azure Key)

It will also help to have the Night Elf Passive Shadowmeld, but we understand that not everyone plays a Night Elf Rogue. You obviously don’t need both pair of boots, either—any one will do. It’s also worth noting that within the two-hour grace period, you can trade this to other Rogues in your group so that everyone can get the quest. You don’t need to keep the item, so it’s a great way to get everyone on track.


Once you’ve stealthed into Lower Blackrock Spire solo, and stolen the Storehouse Key, enter the storehouse, open the chest, and defeat the Syndicate Infiltrator. They’ll give you a quest as a reward, giving you more to do for this WoW Classic SoD Phase 5 quest chain.

It’s important to have as high a stealth as possible, as you need to avoid being discovered when entering. We cannot confirm that this is true, but that’s what players are currently saying, so at least have Master of Deception before attempting this.


The next step will take you to Ravenholdt Manor and meet with Fahrad (84.6, 80.2), who will give you the next quest. This will send you to Shadow Hold in Jaedenar, Western Felwood (35.4, 57.8). You need to stealth through this area while remaining undetected and find Caius Blackwood. Defeat him, claim Caius’ Dream Eater, and return it to Baritanas Skyriver. They’ll give you the class weapon as a reward.

6) Hunter: Kestrel and Peregrine Swords

Kestrel and Peregrine are truly remarkable weapons, but they take a ton of work (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Kestrel and Peregrine are truly remarkable weapons, but they take a ton of work (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

WoW Classic SoD Phase 5’s Hunter-exclusive weapons have been found: Kestrel and Peregrine! These are very powerful blades, with a pair of “chance on hit” abilities. Kestrel gives you a chance to increase your run speed by 40% for 10s, and Peregrine gives you a chance to gain 1 extra attack with both weapons instantly. This makes it a must-collect for any Hunter. Before you do, you need a few things:

  • A pet with “Dive”
  • A pet with “Prowl”
  • Tranquilizing Shot from Molten Core

To begin, you need to loot the Suppression Device Receipt from Broodlord Lashlayer in Blackwing Lair. It appears that only one is dropping at a time right now, but it’s unknown if that’s intended by the developers. Looting this gives you a new quest, Tracking the Trapper. You’ll be heading to the Burning Steppes (17.0, 46.0) to investigate a campsite.


Interact with the tent to make Estelenn appear, but she is stealthed, so keep a close eye out. This will unlock the next part of the quest chain, The Beast Master of Moonglade. Head to Monoglade, Nighthaven (56.0, 30.0), and interact with Banteazo. They’re in the northeastern hut on the map. This pushes you forward to the next step.

Dive, Dive! is the next part of the quest chain, and you’ll need a pet with the Dive ability. When you have one equipped, go to (39.0, 68.0), and use that Dive ability on one of the Wild Windtwisters, to get an Air Elemental Fragment. Bring it back to Banteazo for the next part.


You’re still in Moonglade, and now you need a pet with Prowl - hence the quest name, Prowler. Once you have that pet out, head to roughly (73.0, 63.0), and use Prowl to bypass the guards, and attack the Earth Elemental Fragment. This will give you the quest item you need. Your next quest, Tracks in the Snow, will take you to Winterspring, north of Everlook, to find Estelenn again.

Head to coordinates (58.0, 21.0), where you’ll find a campfire. However, Estelenn isn’t here, so interact with the campfire to begin Out in the Cold. Use the Survival Supplies on the ground to set up camp, where you’ll then get One Night in Winterspring. This WoW Classic SoD Phase 5 class weapon quest requires some supplies.

Head to this location to start the Winterspring quests - map courtesy of Wowhead (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Head to this location to start the Winterspring quests - map courtesy of Wowhead (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Gather Dry Wood from the ground nearby, kill bears for Shardtooth Meat, and Chillwind Ravagers for Warm Fur. Gather these, bring them back and interact with the tent, to see Estelenn appear. They will then give you Bug Hunt. Go to Cenarion Hold, Silithus, and chat with Commander Mar’alith. They’ll give you the next quest, The Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug.


Thankfully, you’re coming closer to wrapping up this WoW Classic SoD Phase 5 quest. Defeat four Silithid Darters, which are in the north/northwestern areas of Silithus. (44.0, 33.0) is a good starting point, but use Track Beasts to spot them faster.

Returning to Commander Mar’alith will give you Everyone Knows That Bugs Can’t Fly, and this requires you to have Tranquilizing Shot from Molten Core. Go to the Silithis Darters, wear one down to about 30% HP, and then hit it with Concussive Shot to make it frenzy. Use Tranquilizing Shot to dispel it, and then knock it out. If done correctly, you can interact with the bug and bring it back.

The final showdown takes place here! Map courtesy of Wowhead (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The final showdown takes place here! Map courtesy of Wowhead (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Next up is Meeting the Menagerie, which takes you to Un’goro Crater (23.0, 33.0) to meet with Van Amburgh. Estelenn’s also here, in stealth. She gives you the final quest to complete. Showdown at Un’Goro Crater needs you to defeat Van Amburgh and his pets.


Talking to Estelenn triggers the fight. Once you kill his pets, click on them to kill them. At this time, there are players reporting that the quest is bugged, but it’s unknown what causes it. Once you wrap this final quest up, you can have your brand-new weapons.

7) Shaman: Terrestris Shield

This quest chain is a little shorter than the others, but the reward is just as important (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
This quest chain is a little shorter than the others, but the reward is just as important (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Instead of receiving a weapon, Horde Shamans unlock the Terrestris Shield. It can shift from being a powerful tanking shield, to a spell damage/healing shield, which is incredible right from the outset. The tank form grants +7 Defense, and the Magical form increases Magical Spells and effects by up to 20.


Both versions also have “Summoned totems grant a boon of their element.” Depending on what form the shield is in, you’ll get different buffs:

Tank Buffs

  • Earth: Block Chance +3%
  • Fire: Successful blocks cause an explosion of fire damage.
  • Water: Healed by Successful blocks
  • Air: Movement Speed increased by 15%

Magical Buffs

  • Earth: Critical effect chance increased by 1%
  • Fire: Spell damage increased by up to 16
  • Water: Healing done increased by up to 31
  • Air: Movement Speed increased by 15%

You cannot start this quest chain until you’ve looted Hardened Elementium Slag from Broodlord Lashlayer in Blackwing Lair. It’s not a guaranteed drop and could take several weeks to get this item. Once you do have it, you can begin this short quest chain. This will give you a quest that takes you to Stranglethorn Vale, to speak with Brikk Keencraft. They can be found in Booty Bay (29.0, 75.4).

While in Booty Bay, take the time to purchase the Supercharged Gobmogrifier from Pix Xizzix (50x Tarnished Undermine Real). This lets you become a Goblin while in Blackrock Mountain, and that’s how you progress with the quest. You need to enter Blackwing Lair and speak with master Elemental Shaper Krixix, and for that, you need the Gobmogrifier.


That’s why it’s worth it to go ahead and farm up the Undermine Real that you need before even tackling this quest. Many players recommend using Scholomance to farm. If you fight all the mini-bosses too on the way to Darkmaster Gandling, you can pick up about 10 Undermine Real per run. There are other dungeons too, such as Stratholme, but it’s up to you. If you don’t have enough of this currency, you’re gonna have a bit of a grind ahead of you before really getting started with this quest.


They will give you Efficiency is Priority One, which is the next step of the quest. You’ll need to find a power source for his elementium forge. Thankfully, you won’t have to travel too far to make that happen. Use the Burning Steppes exit of Blackrock Stronghold, and look for the Blistering Stone. Look for the red lava, around coordinates (38.8, 30.6). Interact with the rock to summon an Elite Prismatic Elemental.


Defeat it, claim the Everburning Flame Core, and bring it back to Master Elemental Shaper Krixix. This will give you the quest Commit to Quality, and the final reward is your shield!

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Edited by Angad Sharma
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