The WoW Dragonflight Season 4 content is now available on the PTR (Public Test Realm) for players to check out ahead of its inevitable launch. There is no release date currently scheduled, but speculation is around late April. While there are likely no major story updates occurring this season, fans certainly have plenty to check out when it comes to challenges and, best of all, rewards.
There will surely be more coming in Season 4 of WoW Dragonflight, and when we know more, we’ll update accordingly. However, if you’re curious about new Mythic rewards, challenges, and updates to the game, here’s what you can expect. Let’s dive into Season 4 of World of Warcraft.
WoW Dragonflight Season 4 content is now available on the PTR
1) Dungeon Progression Changes

There are some pretty significant changes coming in WoW Dragonflight Season 4, and one of the biggest of these is Dungeon Progression Changes. The idea is to recalibrate the core difficulties and make them worth doing. It should make getting into Mythics more viable, with the timer for the dungeons currently known as 0-10.
Essentially, Heroic dungeons will be upgraded to being closer to the base of Mythic (Mythic 0) in our current system. Mythic mechanics and difficulty changes will not be present, and players will still queue for them like normal. This will make it possible for players to get geared for Mythics just a bit easier.
Then, Mythics will be the equivalent of a +10 Mythic, but there will be no timers, affixes, or limitations on changing specializations/talents while inside. This is to make it difficult but meaningful. Mythic+ will offer even greater challenges and rewards, but the path to get into Mythic+ content in WoW Dragonflight Season 4 should be more manageable.
That means the Mythic rotation for this season will be the current 8 Dragonflight dungeons when this update releases sometime in Spring 2024:
- Algeth’ar Academy
- Brackenhide Hollow
- Halls of Infusion
- Neltharus
- Ruby Life Pools
- The Azure Vault
- The Nokhud Offensive
- Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
2) Awakened Raids and fun new rewards

Since there isn’t any specific new content in WoW Dragonflight Season 4, there needs to be something to tide players over. Enter “Awakened” difficulty tier. There are new rewards in both PvE and PvP that can be unlocked with a new currency, the Antique Bronze Bullion, but it can also be unlocked through “Awakened” content.
Similar to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Season 4 content (Fated Raids), this will be a higher difficulty level but with much better loot to pick up. This will feel familiar to raiders of the last expansion, only with the new name of “Awakened.”
Each week, one of the three raids from WoW Dragonflight will become Awakened in WoW Dragonflight Season 4: Vault of the Incarnates, Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible, and Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope. Each raid difficulty - Raid Finder to Mythic - will offer better rewards and increased challenge for the week that it’s Awakened.

Players who complete all three Awakened raids on at least Normal difficulty will unlock the Voyaging Wildering dynamic flying mount. Heroic difficulty grants the The Awakened title, and if players complete the Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season 4 achievement, they’ll receive the Infinite Armoredon mount.
There’s another incredible reward for those who complete these dungeons on Mythic difficulty. They’ll receive a trio of Path Portals that teleport them to the specific raids in question. You can also unlock the new tier tokens in these raids, with set pieces based on player voting earlier this year.
One final note about these Awakened raids: you can still unlock Legendary items from them - but if you have already claimed weapons like Fyr’alath the Dreamrender from this expansion, you can upgrade them to the Season 4 item levels via a Scale of Awakening and beyond with Crests/Flightstones.
3) A New PvP Season begins with brand-new titles
While we do not know when the Season 4 PvP will begin for WoW Dragonflight, we do know that the Vicious Dreamtalon mount will be available for Rated Arena and Rated Battleground. Those who attain Gladiator: Dragonflight Season 4 will receive the Draconic Gladiator’s Drake. There are also a variety of titles and achievements you can unlock, listed below:
- The Draconic: Dragonflight Keystone Conqueror: Season 4 – Attain a Mythic+ Rating of 1500 during Dragonflight Season 4.
- The Draconic Hero: Draconic Hero: Dragonflight Season 4 – End Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 4 with a Mythic+ Rating in the top 0.1% of all players in your region.
- Northrend Racer: Northrend Racing Completionist: Gold – Obtain gold in all races in Northrend.
- Awakened Hero: Heroic: Awakening the Dragonflight Raids – Complete all three Awakened raids on Heroic difficulty or higher in Dragonflight Season 4.
- Draconic Gladiator: Draconic Gladiator: Dragonflight Season 4 – End Dragonflight PvP Season 4 in the top 0.1% of the 3v3 arena ladder.
- Draconic Legend: Draconic Legend: Dragonflight Season 4 – End Dragonflight PvP Season 4 in the top 0.1% of the Solo Shuffle ladder.
WoW Dragonflight Season 4 is slated to begin sometime in Spring 2024, but you can access the PTR now to check out these new features for yourself.