WoW’s Undermine’d update features a secret fifth Cartel that can only be unlocked after you’ve put a little effort in: Darkfuse Solutions. If you aren’t big on doing side quests, it’s also a faction you could completely miss out on, but we’re here to help you get on track. Additionally, by increasing your reputation, you can unlock some interesting items, including a mount and an amazing chest piece transmog.
Unlike the other Cartels in WoW Undermine, you don’t have to pick Darkfuse Solutions to work on for the week. You can level up your reputation anytime you’re down in the Undermine region, but it takes some luck. Here’s what you need to know about this secret Cartel.
How to unlock Darkfuse Solutions Cartel in WoW and all reputation rewards
Once you’ve defeated Jastor Gallywix in the WoW Liberation of Undermine raid, you can unlock the Darkfuse Solutions Cartel. It doesn’t matter whether or not you did it in Story Mode, Normal, Heroic, or Mythic — just beat Gallywix and get back to the Incontinental Hotel.

Complete the quest Liberation of Undermine: The House loses, and when you return to the hotel, you will see an envelope on the counter next to Paks Topskimmer with a quest marker. Pick it up and accept Diversified Investments. When you’re ready, head to (/way 29.7 41.1) and use the sewer grate to enter.
Speak to Sitch Lowdown, and answer him however you’d like, but do agree to help him in the second set of choices. It’s interesting because you learn from him that they were formerly Blackfuse — as in the Goblin cartel responsible for crafting gear for Garrosh Hellscream.
Remember the Siegecrafter Blackfuse fight in the Siege of Orgrimmar? He was in charge. Now that you’ve completed this quest, your whole Warband can level up Darkfuse Solutions.

As you build up Market Research for Darkfuse Cartel in WoW, you’ll gain reputation and will be able to purchase the following items from Sitch Lowdown:
- Box of Darkfuse Miscellany (100 Market Research): Grants 500 Reputation with Darkfuse Solutions.
- Refurbished Rocket Glider (5 gold): Launch yourself into the air and glide to the ground — only in Undermine.
- Experimental Goblin-FUEL Supplement (100 Resonance Crystals): Reduces maximum health by 50% and provides a random combat benefit for 1 hour. Enemies drop additional Market Research while active.
- Canister of Darkfuse Solution (100 Resonance Crystals): Used to summon Darkfuse Precipitant rare.
- Prototype Auto-Advertiser (100 Resonance Crystals): Place the item, and all nearby creatures become annoyed, inflicting 50% additional damage to you for three minutes. Enemies drop additional Market Research while active.
- Atomic REgoblinator (5,000 Resonance Crystals): Toy that deploys a device that regoblinates anyone who steps on it.
- Electropuncture Test Module (100 Resonance Crystals): Sends invigorating voltage through the area, increasing Haste by 20%, reducing damage taken by 25%, and causing them to pulse Nature damage for three minutes. Usable on Rare creatures in Undermine. Enemies drop additional Market Research for the user while active. Has three charges.
- Darkfuse Demolisher (11,375 Resonance Crystals): Black shredding machine ground mount.
- Darkfuse Lowdown Coat (3,250 Resonance Crystals): Black coat chest transmog.
How to level up Darkfuse Solutions Cartel in WoW

As you complete content in Undermine, you can farm up Darkfuse Solutions rep through the Market Research items. In total, you’ll need to turn in 84 of the Box of Darkfuse Miscellany. That means you need 8,400 Market Research, and it’s not Warbound, so you have to grind it separately. You have a chance to gain the following amounts from specific events/enemies:
- Normal mobs/Shiny Piles of Trash can drop 1 Market Research.
- Undermine Normal rares are guaranteed to drop 1-2 Market Research.
- Undermine cartel rares drop a guaranteed 3-4 Market Research.
- Undermine elite rares drop a guaranteed 5-6 Market Research.
- The rare Darkfuse Precipitant drops a guaranteed 12-14 Market Research.
- The chest at the end of a SCRAP dig guarantees 14-16 Market Research.
This makes SCRAP dig the most efficient use of your time, but simply doing world quests and farming rares can also be worthwhile. While you’re doing other things, you still have a chance to get Market Research, making it a nice way to double dip. Thankfully, you can still farm Market Research even while pledging yourself to the other Cartels since these items drop from almost everything in Undermine.
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