Now that the WoW Classic SoD Phase 4 PTR has begun, several new runes have been uncovered. Each class has a little something to be excited about, as it pertains to this next phase of Classic-era content. In fact, every class’s runes look amazing, so far. Some builds don’t have options quite yet, but those will come later. All nine classes in the game have three runes each available so far.
Phase 4 will have to do a lot of work to get people’s spirits back up. What was once a very exciting mode kind of fizzled out. Will these changes help? Only time will tell.
All known runes revealed for WoW Classic SoD Phase 4
1) Druid

Also read: All available Druid runes from SoD Phase 3
All three builds got something amazing in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4 when it comes to Druids. Improved Swipe gives tanks a bunch of extra damage and threat generation, Tree of Life is an amazing healing form, and Starfall is just a ton of damage potentially. We’ll have to see how powerful it is, but things are looking up for Druids of all builds.
Cloak options for Druids
- Improved Swipe: Adds the Swipe (Cat) ability and causes Swipe in Bear form to cause 100% increased damage and hit 3 additional targets.
- Tree of Life: Transform into a Tree of Life. While active, reduces the mana cost of all Heal over Time abilities by 20%, increases healing received by all party members by 10%, increases Druid’s spirit by 25%, and increases the Druid's armor by 200%, but the Druid may not cast any harmful abilities.
- Starfall: Calls down a rain of up to 20 falling stars over 10 seconds, hitting enemies within 30 yards of the druid for Arcane damage. 90s CD, and is canceled by CC effects, mounting, and shapeshifting.
2) Hunter

Also read: All available Hunter runes from SoD phase 3
Improved Volley feels like the real big winner for the Hunter class in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4. That is just a stacked damage ability! However, fans of placing traps are going to love Resourcefulness, and Melee Hunters get something out of Hit and Run. It’s a good time to be a Hunter, that’s for sure.
Cloak options for Hunters
- Improved Volley: Increases the mana cost of your Volley by 50%, reduces its cooldown by 100%, and it no longer suffers pushback from damaging enemies. Volley also deals 3% of your ranged Attack Power as additional damage each time it deals damage.
- Resourcefulness: Reduces the mana cost of your Traps by 100% and their cooldowns by 40%.
- Hit and Run: You gain 15% movement speed for 4s after using Raptor Strike.
3) Mage

Also read: All available Mage runes from SoD Phase 3
The Mage runes are absolutely bonkers! Overheat in particular really shocked me; you can cast it while casting another spell, and it always crits and isn’t affected by GCD. Arcane Mages get another amazing spell, which helps them, and their healing build. Then there’s the incredibly long, and very powerful Frozen Orb. As a mage player, I’m very excited to finally feel powerful in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4.
Cloak options for Mages
- Arcane Barrage: Launches several missiles at the enemy target, causing Arcane damage. This spell also has a 20% chance to trigger Missile Barrage.
- Overheat: Fire Blast will always deal a critical strike, can be cast while casting another spell, and is not affected by the global cooldown.
- Frozen Orb: Launches an orb of swirling ice which rapidly moves forward over 16s. While it is moving, every 1s, the orb deals Frost damage and applies a chill for 30% movement speed reduction to all enemies it passes through. The first time it damages an enemy, its movement will slow and it will have a 100% chance to trigger the Fingers of Frost rune.
4) Paladin

Also read: All available Paladin runes from SoD Phase 3
While I don’t think Shield of Righteousness is anything to write home about for the Paladin runes, Vindicator and Righteous Vengeance are pretty stellar. Vindicator is a wild buff, and it had its duration increased overall. Plenty of extra stats for more damage; something Paladins desperately needed in the world of WoW Classic SoD Phase 4.
Cloak options for Paladins
- Shield of Righteousness: Slam the target with your shield, causing Holy damage based on your block value, plus an additional 214.
- Vindicator: When your Vindication talent is triggered, it also decreases the target’s Attack Power by 70 per talent point and increases your Strength, Agility, and Attack Power by 5% per talent point. Vindication duration increased to 30s.
- Righteous Vengeance: When your Judgement, Crusader Strike, or Divine Storm deals a critical strike, your target will take 30% additional damage until canceled.
5) Priest

Also read: All Priest runes from SoD Phase 3
I take back anything I said before this - I think Priests might be the real winners in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4. An incredible heal (Binding Heal) that benefits from all Flash Heal triggers? A massive buff for Soul Warding to make Discipline stand out, and Vampiric Touch also restores mana to your party? Maybe I need to roll a Priest for Phase 4.
Cloak options for Priests
- Binding Heal: Heals a friendly target and the caster. Low threat. This spell benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Flash Heal.
- Soul Warding: Your Power Word; Shield no longer has a cooldown, costs 15% less mana, gains 15% additional base value, and gains an additional 50% of your healing power.
- Vampiric Touch: Causes Shadow damage over 15s to your target and causes all party members to gain mana equal to 2% of any Shadow spell damage you deal to the target.
6) Rogue

Also read: All Rogue runes from SoD Phase 3
What did Rogues get for Christmas in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4? AOE damage! Lots and lots of AOE damage. Which arguably, I think they needed. That was the big failing—one of them—for Rogues in World of Warcraft's early days. Every ability for Cloaks gives a different flavor of AOE attack.
Cloak options for Rogues
- Blunderbuss: Fire a musket blast at up to four enemies in a cone in front of you for Physical damage.
- Crimson Tempest: Finishing move that slashes all enemies within eight yards, causing victims to Bleed over time. Lasts longer and deals more damage per combo point. Also benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Rupture.
- Fan of Knives: Instantly throw both weapons at all targets within 5 yards, causing 105% weapon damage with daggers and 70% weapon damage with all other weapons.
7) Shaman

Also read: All Shaman runes from SoD Phase 3
My feelings are a little mixed about the Shaman runes. I suppose it depends on the cooldown and strength of the Spirit Wolves that show up for Feral Spirit in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4. However, Storm, Earth, and Fire is a bonkers buff for your totems, and Coherence is another great option for both Restoration and Elemental Shaman.
Cloak options for Shaman
- Storm, Earth, and Fire: Reduces the cooldown of your Chain Lightning by 100%, causes your Earthbind Totem to root targets for 5s when cast, and increases the periodic damage done by your Flame Shock by 60%.
- Feral Spirit: Summons two Spirit Wolves under the command of the Shaman, lasting 45s.
- Coherence: Causes your Chain Heal effectiveness to only reduce by 35% per jump, and Chain Lightning effectiveness to only reduce by 20% per jump. Each also jumps to one additional target.
8) Warlock

Also read: All Warlock runes from SoD Phase 3
Warlocks look to be getting even more powerful, if that was possible. WoW Classic SoD Phase 4 however does cover for a spot in the Warlock runes that I thought was weak—direct damage from Destruction.
I’m a big fan of Mark of Chaos for them. Infernal Armor is a great tank rune, though, and I think Decimation could be a very powerful Rune as well. Things are looking up for the fans of powerful demons in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4.
Cloak options for Warlocks
- Decimation: Your Soul Fire spell no longer has a cooldown. Additionally, when you Shadow Bolt, Shadow Cleave, Incinerate, or Soul Fire a target that is at or below 35% health, the cast time of your Soul Fire spell is reduced by 40% for 10s. Soul Fires cast under the effect of Decimation cost no shards.
- Mark of Chaos: After striking a target with Shadowburn, your next single-target non-periodic spell gains 100% increased critical strike chance.
- Infernal Armor: Your spirit becomes infused with demonic energy, reducing all Magic damage you take by a percentage equal to your Physical damage reduction from armor. Lasts 10s.
9) Warrior

Also read: All Warrior runes from SoD Phase 3
Perhaps I simply don’t play Warrior enough, because I’m pretty underwhelmed by WoW SoD Phase 4’s Warrior runes. I like Sudden Death, because I love Execute, but I’m not sure how I feel about Fresh Meat and Shockwave. I’d really have to see them in action on the PTR to feel one way or another.
Cloak options for Warriors
- Fresh Meat: Damaging a target with Bloodthirst has a 100% chance the first time and a 10% chance each subsequent time to Enrage you (activating abilities that require being Enraged), and cause you to deal 10% increased Physical damage for 12s.
- Sudden Death: Your melee hits have a 10% chance to grant Sudden Death. Sudden Death allows one use of Execute, regardless of the target’s health state. When Execute is enabled by Sudden Death, you will retain 10 rage after using Execute.
- Shockwave: Sends a wave of force in front of the warrior, causing damage and stunning all enemy targets within 10 yards in a frontal cone for 4s.
WoW Classic SoD Phase 4 is still on the way, but it was delayed due to “a lot of plates spinning”. At this time, it doesn’t have a release date, but the PTR is available for players who wish to try things out for themselves.