An exclusive unit in Anime Defenders, the Ace Marksman's impressive damage and range make him a popular option for players looking for someone powerful to join their decks. However, some might be unaware of his stats and how to summon the unit in the game. This is quite natural since the game has tons of units and it can be difficult to keep track of every one of them.
Worry not cause this article will lay out all the crucial details regarding the Ace Marksman in Anime Defenders.
How to summon the Ace Marksman in Anime Defenders

Since the Ace Marksman is an Exclusive unit, you cannot summon it from the regular summoning portal. Instead, you must go to the Exclusive Wish portal right outside to try your luck.
Still, this is just the first step as you need to own either Natural or Divine Wish to roll. One cannot use the normal Gems to summon Exclusive units from this portal. Once you have the required wish, check whether the Ace Marksman is on the banner, and if he is, then use your wish to summon the unit. At the moment, the unit has a 35.00% drop chance with Divine Wish and a 20.00% drop chance with the regular Wish.
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An overview of the Ace Marksman

The Ace Marksman is a Hill-type unit in the game. This means you can only deploy him on a raised surface like a rock or a fence on the battlefield. However, this allows the unit to cover a big area, thanks to its large range. On top of that, Ace Marksman has a stunning 75% Base Critical Chance making it one of the best units to have on your deck.
You can also use the Arcane Bow to evolve the Ace Marksman into the Champion Marksman which significantly boosts his stats, making him deadlier. However, unlike some other Exclusive units like the Legion Veteran and the Legion Assassin, the Ace Marksman doesn't have a special ability.
Moreover, one of the biggest downsides of the unit is its high deployment cost of 3000 ¥. Alongside this, you must spend a massive amount of coins to upgrade this unit if you wish to reap everything that it offers during the battle. Therefore, the Ace Marksman is better suited for the Infinite Mode where you have a long time to collect the money.
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Ace Marksman stats and other details

It is crucial to know the stats of a unit before you spend your precious resources to obtain them in the game. Hence, we have broken down the Ace Marksman's damage, upgrade costs, range, and other details for you to check out.
It is also worth noting that the game sometimes offers the same unit with different base stats. We have listed the stats that were available to us.
As stated earlier, the Ace Marksman is quite expensive to deploy and upgrade. Hence, it is best suited for the Infinite Mode rather than the regular Story Mode stages in the game.
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FAQs about Anime Defenders
Can you summon Ace Marksman from normal Summon in Anime Defenders?
No, you must use the Exclusive Wish Summon to get this unit.
What type of unit is Ace Marksman in Anime Defenders?
It is a Hill-type unit.
Can you evolve Ace Marksman in Anime Defenders?
Yes, you can evolve this unit into the Champion Marksman.
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