Anime Power Tycoon is an intricate combat-based Roblox tycoon game that pays homage to popular anime as well as manga series, like Dragon Ball Z and One Piece. Players must unlock anime powers by building their power tycoon to fight off other strong foes in the game. Robloxians earn rewards by taking out enemies and becoming the best on the server.
The game contains intricate mechanics, quests, and features that beginners may struggle to get used to. This guide will simplify this title to its basic and delve deeper into its main objective, and features to help new players.
Anime Power Tycoon: Everything you need to know
Understanding the basics
In the game, Robloxians can take on the roles of their favorite anime superheroes and level their tycoon up to unlock better movesets and abilities and become the wealthiest on the server. They can also engage in combat with other players on the server, test out the newly acquired moves and abilities on them, and take them down in the process to secure a higher rank on the leaderboard.
The main objective is to level up their chosen tycoon to the max, which is five floors in total. Players must also commit rebirth as much as possible to unlock all tycoons and their powers. Robloxians can also make use of paid boosters in the form of a gamepass to unlock cool abilities like Auto Collect, 2x Cash, and others.
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How to play Anime Power Tycoon?
Upon loading into the game, Robloxians must acquire an unused space and then choose a tycoon they wish to start working on. They have a bunch of options, some of which can be unlocked after rebirthing in the game. Tycoon options may include but aren't limited to JoJo, Dragon Ball Z, Berserk, HxH, and Naruto.
Here is a rundown of the basic controls on the PC:
- WASD: Use these keys to move your character in the game.
- Space: Press this key to jump.
- Left Click: Use this key to interact with the GUI and other in-game options.
- Mouse: You can use the mouse to look around and aim.
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FAQs on Anime Power Tycoon
When was APT released?
Mega Funny Games first released this title on March 21, 2022.
Is APT free to play?
Yes, the core gameplay is free but there are optional in-game purchases.
How often does APT receive updates?
Developers release regular updates and content to keep the experience fresh.
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