Anime Royale just dropped its first update and it is very impressive. The update has added several new units to the game alongside a new story map as well as numerous other changes. The Sword Art Online-themed update has various new characters like Kirito and others from the popular anime series. Naturally, players are hyped to get their hands on the brand-new units.
Below, we have broken down the update and listed everything that has arrived with it. You will find the full patch note as well to check everything that has changed.
Complete patch notes of Anime Royale Update 1

As stated, the developer has brought several changes to Anime Royale with the first update. Players are mostly excited about the SAO theme as well as the iconic characters from the series. Below, we have the full patch note directly from the game's Discord.
New Codes
- VirtualUpdate - Gives 500 gems and 10 rerolls.
- 20KLIKES - Gives 1000 gems and 5 rerolls.
- 10MILVISITS - Gives 1000 gems, 5 rerolls, and 1 lucky potion.
New Content
- +1 Story Map
- +1 Raid Map
- +1 Rift Map
- +10 New Units
- 1 Secret
- 2 Evos
- 3 Mythical
- 1 Legendary
- 1 Epic
- 2 Rare
- New status effect "Frostbite"
- Increased Unit level cap by 5Buffed shiny rate by 10x in banner
- Trait Golem enemy (special class, doesn't deal damage to the base, has a chance to appear in infinite mode, drops some trait rerolls)
- Added x1.5, x2 speed to Rifts
- Status effect image is shown on enemies.
- Leave the Match button in the battle place.
- Flying only unit target mode.
- Unit stat display on mouse hover.
- Map teleport screen GUI.
- You can now refresh your quests using Robux.
- Added BONUS infinite rewards display (for example bonus trait drop display from trait golem).
- Upgrade GUI status effect image multiplying
- Fixed rift quests rewarding even if you lost
- Fixed quest refreshing giving less than max quests sometimes
- Fixed blessing not unequipping
- Fixed blessing animations staying after blessing unequipped
- Multiple other bug fixes
Other Changes
- Battle place FPS optimization.
- Removed Jotero's second attack knockback to prevent infinite wave locking.
- Infinite game mode Boss health increases even higher every 10 waves.
- Bosses after getting CC'ed (time stop, stun, freeze) are immune to being CC'ed again for the next 5 seconds.
- Changed Rift lifetime from 5 mins to 10 mins.
As one can see, the new update has numerous things you can explore in the game. This includes new units and the story mode that features several chapters. This will allow players to spend more time in the game than before.
Also check: A Beginner's Guide to Anime Royale
Update 1 trailer breakdown

The developer released a trailer announcing the upcoming Update 1 a few hours before rolling out the new content. The short video has several additions that fans might find interesting. First, it disclosed that the first update is based on the Sword Art Online anime. Apart from this, it disclosed a couple of new units that can now be summoned in the game.
Naturally, they are iconic characters from the anime and have incredible skills. The video also showed glimpses of the new map that one can unlock by completing other Story Mode chapters. The trailer managed to raise the hype for the update as players have flocked to the game to check out the new content.
Also check: Gym League Update 10 Patch Notes
FAQs about Anime Royale
When did Anime Royale Update 1 release?
The update rolled out on September 8, 2024.
Which anime are the new units based on in Anime Royale?
The new units are inspired by Sword Art Online.
Is there a new Story Mode in Anime Royale Update 1?
Yes, the update has added a new story mode map to the game.
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