Nikola Tesla is the first boss enemy added to Dead Rails whom you can defeat to earn precious rewards. Unlike other enemies, you can not find this boss anywhere in the desert. Instead, you will have to gather all the body parts, bring them together, and resurrect him.
Nothing can be found easily in this experience, and we are here to help you through it. This guide explains how to resurrect or summon Nikola Tesla, beat him, and acquire some valuable loot.
How to summon Nikola Tesla in Dead Rails
To summon Nikola Tesla in this Roblox title, you will first have to locate his workplace — the Tesla Lab. Usually, the Tesla Lab spawns anywhere between the 30,000 to 60,000-meter mark, but in some cases, you can find it between the 20,000 to 30,000-meter distance.

The Tesla Lab is a huge warehouse made of red bricks, so it's hard to miss it. Once found, you can head inside to explore various rooms. While exploring, you can find various body parts, like werewolf legs and arms. Collect all of them, including the preserved brain, and deposit them on the slant metal bed in the hall.

After depositing all the body parts, enter the room on the right side to pull a lever. Doing so will generate the power required to resurrect Nikola Tesla. Beware, you will be ambushed by a horde of scientist zombies after pulling the lever. Once you have killed all of them and Nikola Tesla is revived, you can collect valuables like Bonds, Gold Bars, and a powerful gun called the Electrocutioner.
Make sure to keep the Electrocutioner safe because this weapon is going to come in handy while fighting against Nikola Tesla. An important thing to note here is that once resurrected, Tesla will show up directly at the final stop at the 80,000-meter mark.
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How to defeat Nikola Tesla in Dead Rails
Know that defeating Nikola Tesla is going to be tough. All the firepower in the world is going to fall short if you don't have the necessary weapons. What really is capable of taking down this entity is the Electrocutioner gun that it dropped during the resurrection. A few shots from this weapon will take him down for good.

The Electrocutioner is such a powerful weapon that it can kill zombies, vampires, and even werewolves with one hit. However, a big downside is that it only offers you 20 rounds of fire. Like a traditional weapon, you can not buy its ammo and reload it. To do so, you will have to use a Lightning Rod. You can find this tool inside the Tesla Lab so make sure to sack it.
A Lightning Rod makes you invulnerable to lightning strikes during a storm. Thankfully, when you get hit by lightning, your Electrocutioner will get instantly reloaded. A general thing to remember is that you will nullify Nikola Tesla's lightning attacks while holding the Lightning Rod. This will play a major role in your defense.
Upon getting defeated, you can sell Nikola Tesla's body at an outpost for a whopping $250.
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Where to find Nikola Tesla in Dead Rails
You can resurrect Nikola Tesla in the Tesla Lab (a huge red warehouse). Once resurrected, Tesla will spawn at the final Fort directly.
How do I get the Electrocutioner in Dead Rails?
The Electrocutioner gun can be acquired in the Tesla Lab after summoning Nikola Tesla.
Where does Nikola Tesla go after getting resurrected in Dead Rails?
After you resurrect Nikola Tesla, he will run somewhere in the desert and directly show up at the final Fort, where you have to lower the bridge and escape.
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