Among the several anime-based Roblox games, Grand Pirates stands out from the crowd. Inspired by the popular One Piece franchise, players must travel the seven seas and become dreaded pirates in this Roblox game. They can also grab Devil Fruits and consume them to gain special in-game powers.
To advance in the game, players must complete the tasks listed on the map. Weapons and other high-value gear may be acquired and utilized to fight various adversaries. Leveling up and battling against more difficult opponents might fatigue inexperienced players. However, they can use the codes mentioned in the article to collect freebies that will aid them in their endeavor.
Buy new weapons and more with free Peli in Roblox Grand Pirates
Being the top pirate in the realm of Grand Pirates is a difficult task that requires a lot of hard work. That's why the developers step in and lend a hand in the form of codes. Players may use these codes in-game to earn free gifts and experience boosts by following a few easy procedures.
Active codes
- 50KLikesSorry—Redeem for 120 minutes of 2x Peli (New)
- 12.5MVisits—Redeem for a Stat Reset (New)
- 60KFavorites—Redeem for 60 minutes of 2x XP
Expired Codes
- 50KLikes – Redeem code for 20k Peli
- SuspiciousAction – Redeem code for Devil Fruit Notifier 60 Minutes
- 8.5MVisits – Redeem code for Reset Stats
- GearFourth – Redeem code for Reset Stats
- 30KLikes – Redeem code for Reset Stats
- 50KFavorites – Redeem code for Remove Devil Fruit
- 7.5MVisits – Redeem code for Reset Stats
- 100KVisits – Redeem code for Devil Fruit Notifier 60 Minutes
- 4KLikes – Redeem code for Double Peli 30 Minutes
- 500KVisits – Redeem code for Remove Devil Fruit
- 5KLikes – Redeem code for Reset Stats
- 5MVisits – Redeem code for Devil Fruit Notifier 120 Minutes
- 40KFavorites – Redeem code for Remove Devil Fruit
- 20KLikes – Redeem code for Reset Stats
- 20KFavorites – Redeem code for Devil Fruit Notifier 60 Minutes
- 1KDislikes – Redeem code for Remove Devil Fruit
- 2MVisits – Redeem code for Devil Fruit Notifier 60 Minutes
- 1.5MVisits – Redeem code for Devil Fruit Notifier 60 Minutes
- 10KLikes – Redeem code for Reset Stats
- 1MVisits – Redeem code for Reset Stats
- 10KFavorites – Redeem code for Double Peli 60 Minutes
- SorryForShutdowns – Redeem code for Double Drop Rate 60 Minutes
- 3KLikes – Redeem code for Devil Fruit Notifier 60 Minutes
- 2KLikes – Redeem code for Double XP 30 Minutes
- SorryForBugs – Redeem code for 10k Peli
- 1KLikes – Redeem code for Reset Stats
- 10MVisits – Redeem code for Reset Stats
How to redeem codes in Roblox Grand Pirates?
Redeeming codes is not a complicated process. Players can simply follow the easy steps outlined below to acquire freebies:
- Launch Roblox Grand Pirates.
- Click the menu button on the lower-left side of the screen.
- A new menu will appear. Click on the settings icon.
- There's a code box in the settings menu right above the Twitter logo.
- Copy the required code from the list and paste it into the box.
- Make sure to hit the redeem button to claim the freebies.
Since Roblox codes are typically case-sensitive, users should copy and paste the codes to avoid typos and other errors. If you intend to type the codes, double-check them before entering them. Players are advised to act with haste as these codes will expire soon.
Players should restart the game if any of the active codes do not work. This transfers them to a new server, where everything should proceed without any hiccups. If the code still generates an error message, it may have expired.
How to get new codes in Roblox Grand Pirates?
New codes for Grand Pirates are issued on a regular basis, and the developers tend to release a large number of codes during game milestones, special events, and after updates and patches.
Players can follow the developer's official Twitter handle @nijoxy. The account is routinely updated with game codes and news regarding special updates. Players should also consider joining the game's official Discord channel, where they can interact with other players, check up on news, and even learn a trick or two for their pirate journey.
Check out this A-Z list of all of our Roblox Codes 2024