Roblox Adopt Me! is the most popular game on this online gaming platform. Players love collecting a variety of creatures such as pets, taking care of them, and more. Developed by Uplift Games and Published by Dreamcraft, the game was released in 2017.
Roblox Adopt Me! is a multiplayer role-playing game (RPG) that can be enjoyed by more than 20 players together connected on a single server. Millions play this fun game, however, players get these pets through Robux (in-game currency). They can obtain the pets for free as well.
There are ways to get pets without paying any Robux, like by trading, events, starter eggs, star rewards, earning money and purchasing eggs. The article further discusses ways to get free pets in Adopt Me.
Roblox Adopt Me!: Free pets and more
Star Rewards
Star Rewards requires players to login to the game daily to gain stars, which they can use in exchange for star rewards. It's basically maintaining streaks in the game by logging in daily to get those stars.
Later, players can access star rewards to see which pets are available to collect. Pets accumulate based on the number of stars collected.
Players should note that they can’t just log in and leave to receive stars, as they have to play the game each time they log in. Stars are received based on the time spent in the game. The longer time spent in the game, the more stars they will receive as a reward.
For example, if players want to receive a Ginger Cat, they would have to collect 210 stars, while a Toucan and Starfish would cost 400 and 550 stars, respectively. Stars can also be used to get Golden Egg. These eggs are said to receive a Golden Unicorn, Golden Dragon, or a Golden Griffin.
Starter Eggs
Players receive starter eggs at the nursery from Sir Woofington when they enter the game for the first time. They have to hatch the eggs by completing the in-game objectives.
Once the egg is hatched or the objectives are completed, players can choose between a dog or a cat. They will get a starter pet that cannot be traded, so they must think wisely before making their choice.
The popular Roblox game organizes in-game events for players to make gaming sessions more fun. They can stay alert for these events to get new and special pets.
Pets made available to players in events are not permanent, they are removed from the rewards pool once the event is over.

It would be best for players to get these exciting free creatures as soon as the event goes on.
Unobtainable pets can be traded with other players who already have them. Roblox Adopt Me! allows one to communicate with other players online.

One can approach others and also convince them to make reasonable trades. This way, players can get their desired pets without paying any Robux.
Earn money and purchase Eggs
Earning money is quite similar to earning star rewards. There are a few objectives that have to be done to get the paychecks. Paychecks are earned from time to time. About every 15 minutes of being active in the game, players can earn paychecks.
Here’s a trick for the players: Run the game in the background for some time and return to claim the paychecks.
There are several other hacks as well that will increase the chances of getting free rewards and credits in exchange for these pets.
These are :
- Logging in the game daily. By logging in the game daily for once maintains a good streak which results to more rewards
- By logging in for five days continuously in the game, bonus stars and surprise gifts will be rewarded.
- And for 30 days, a Cracked Egg will be awarded.
- By completing an orange objective, players can receive 12 tokens.
- And completing blue objective rewards 6-7 tokens. The objectives are time-bounded so it is advised by the players to do them when they pop up.
- By collecting money from Money Tree. Money Trees grow money and can yield up to eight tokens in a day. Players having multiple Money Tree can also collect up to 100 tokens in a day.
- By claiming the paychecks of R$20 in about every 15 minutes.
- By caring for Babies or Pet’s ailments.
By earning money through the methods mentioned above, players can buy the desired pet. Collect the amount accordingly and enjoy.
All Free Pets in Roblox Adopt Me!
Below is a list of all the attainable free pets in Roblox Adopt Me!
- Dog - Common
- Cat - Common
- Otter - Common
- Wolpertinger - Common
- Buffalo - Common
- Walrus - Common (Event)
- Kirin - Uncommon
- Chocolate Labrador - Uncommon
- Fennec Fox - Uncommon
- Snow Cat - Uncommon
- Snow Leopard - Uncommon
- Puma - Uncommon
- Beaver - Rare
- Bunny - Rare
- Merhorse - Rare
- Sasquatch - Rare
- Summer Walrus - Rare (Event)
- Rabbit - Rare
- Snow Puma - Rare
- Husky - Rare (Event)
- Hydra - Ultra-Rare
- Ginger Cat - Ultra-Rare
- Red Panda - Ultra-Rare
- Starfish - Ultra-Rare
- Toucan - Ultra-Rare
- Shiba Inu - Ultra-Rare
- Puffin - Ultra-Rare (Event)
- St Bernard - Ultra-Rare (Event)
- Wyvern - Ultra-Rare
- Diamond Dragon - Legendary
- Diamond Griffin - Legendary
- Dragon - Legendary
- Diamond Unicorn - Legendary
- Golden Dragon - Legendary
- Golden Griffin - Legendary
- Golden Unicorn - Legendary
- Goldhorn - Legendary
- Phoenix - Legendary
- Golden Walrus - Legendary (Event)
- Unicorn - Legendary
Players should definitely try their luck at acquiring these wonderful pets.
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