Adopt Me is an extensive role-playing Roblox title where you can trade, adopt, and raise cute babies, legendary pets, and even mythical creatures. In Adopt Me, you can also build your dream house and level up your pets. One way to push your ordinary pets to the next level is by using Nixie's Cave to turn them into Neon Pets and then transform them into Mega Neon Pets.
The Neon Pets have a visually appealing glowing light on certain parts of their bodies with no other significant buff. This article acts as a guide on how to create Neon Pets and Mega Neon Pets while also covering everything important you may need to know about them. Let's dive in!
Everything you need to know to get a Mega Neon Pet in Adopt Me
How to get a Neon Pet in Adopt Me?
To obtain a Neon Pet, players must first adopt four normal pets of the same kind and level them up to full-grown status. For reference, here are the six stages of a normal pet in chronological order: Newborn, Junior, Pre Teen, Teen, Post Teen, and Full Grown. To grow your pets to the final stage, players must take care of them and complete chores to level them up.
Once you have four full-grown pets of the same type you must go to the Adoption Island, cross the bridge, jump into the sea, look over to the center area, and below it is a door which you must go through. You will enter the cave area where you can transform your aforementioned pets into a neon pet!
Upon entering the cave, you will see a white circle surrounded by four circles of different colors. Now, you must place a pet in each circle and fill out all for circles. Once you have placed all pets into the circles, a neon pet will be created. Remember that all four of your normal pets will be lost in the process and converted into one Newborn Neon Pet.
How to get a Mega Neon Pet in Adopt Me?
Mega Neon Pets are also created in the same way Neon Pets are. To create a Mega Neon Pet you need 4 fully grown Neon Pets of the same kind and take them to the Nixie's Cave location in Adopt Me, place them in each colored-circle, and watch them convert into a single Mega Neon Pet.
The Mega Neon Pets were added to Adopt Me with a major update in April 2020, and they have the same growth stages as a normal neon pet. Here are all six growth stages that Neon and Mega Neon Pets follow: Reborn (Newborn), Twinkle (Junior), Sparkle (Pre Teen), Flare (Teen), Sunshine (Post Teen), and Luminous (Full Grown).
FAQs on Mega Neon Pets in Adopt Me
How many pets do I need to create a Mega Neon Pet?
To successfully create a Mega Neon Pet, you need four fully grown Neon Pets of the same kind.
Are there any prerequisites I should know before creating a Mega Neon Pet?
Yes, players must keep in mind that all four fully-grown Neon Pets will be lost in the creation process of a Mega Neon Pet and they'll have to start over to level it up again.
Are there redeemable codes in Adopt Me?
Yes, there are active codes for this title that can be redeemed for free goodies.
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How can I get pets for free in Adopt Me?
You can get free pets by completing quests and taking part in challenges as well as special events.
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