Forrest Starling, popularly known as KreekCraft or Kreek, is an American Roblox player and YouTuber with 5.52 million subscribers. He started the journey by posting videos of Minecraft and Fallout 3 and later switched to Roblox in 2016. He initially posted gameplay videos but diversified content after gaining traction. He enjoys exposing scammers and busting myths.
These fables are usually circulated by YouTubers and TikTokers speculating about the game. Kreek spends his Robux exposing these account holders to ensure that the kids don't get scammed. He aims to create a safe community by dispelling misinformation.
KreekCraft is integral to Roblox
While KreekCraft has shredded a lot of myths, players should also avoid certain obvious red flags like 'free Robux.' When it is being offered for a substantially lower price, everyone should be critical.
1) Seek's Eye for free
This is an avatar item in the store under the Roblox game DOORS created by LSPLASH. It is worth 35 Robux. The myth claimed that if players went to the item page and typed '/e free' in the comments, they would get the item for free. KreekCraft tried it and was unsuccessful in getting the item.
Item link -
2) Headless Horseman is not headless
The headless horseman is a body avatar available only during Christmas. The description says, "No, you must believe me. It was a horseman, a dead one. Headless." However, he confirms that the myth is true because a small head is visible if one zooms in.
Item link -
3) Completing Obby games give free Robux
Players will find a lot of obby (obstacle course) games on Roblox that claim to give out free Robux after completing the levels. The game usually says, "See your Robux" at the end of the game. Like Kreek, players will be disappointed that the Robux balance does not go up.
4) Private message someone
This myth says that typing in '/w + any username' will allow players to private message them. This is true and a fantastic option if players want to socialize. However, there are guidelines that one must follow when chatting with anyone on the platform.
5) Inspect element changes item price
If players are a little tech-savvy, they could call this out quickly. The inspect element process changes the entry on the page but does not change the action. Anyone trying this will see the original price.
6) Players can Clear Chat in a game
Typing '/clear chat' clears the chat. This is most helpful when someone is spamming the chat box or simply using it to clear the clutter. This is the only myth that came through.
7) Korblox Deathspeaker for a lower price
Due to its special feature, the "floating" legs, the Korblox Deathspeaker is one of the most sought-after bundles in the catalog. A lot of experience will sell the bundle for cheaper rates in the form of game passes. This is untrue as the bundle costs 17,000 Robux with an exception in October when it is priced at 14,000 Robux.
8) Roblox can be played on PS5
This probably excited many players, but the excitement was short-lived as it was untrue. Kreek found a fun way to debunk the myth. He took the meaning literally and placed his mobile device on the console, saying he could play Roblox on PS5, which was clearly a comic note.
9) Liking his video gives free Robux
This is not an actual myth but just a joke. Although KreekCraft flashed the audience with a gift card, he did not mention anything about it. However, he occasionally does giveaways. Players can follow his account for more updates.
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