Roblox One Punch Fighters is inspired by the renowned anime and manga, One Punch Man. Unlike Saitama, however, the avatar will not be able to defeat enemies with just one punch at the beginning of the game. Players will have to power up their character to become capable of using the lethal move, The Serious Punch.
That said, free codes in Roblox One Punch Fighters can be redeemed to earn various boosts. Primary boosts accelerate the availability of in-game cash, gems, elixir, and luck.
Other types of boosts augment the avatar's strength and inflict higher damage in battles. The game might look easy, but players need these benefits if they want to see their names on the scoreboard.
All free active and inactive codes in Roblox One Punch Fighters
Active codes in Roblox One Punch Fighters
Here are the active codes in the game:
- 20KLIKES - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn Gem Boost
- 45KLIKES - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn all Boosts (New)
- BOOST - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn Damage, Luck, Coin, and Strength Boosts
- FREE_BOROS - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn an Awakened Boros hero
- FREE_LEVEL - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 25 Fruit Elixir (New)
- FREE_LUCK - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 5 Luck Boost and 5 Elixir (New)
- FREE_PAITAMA - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn an Awakened Paitama hero
- FREE_STR - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 5 Strength Elixir (New)
- quiz - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 2 Strength Boost
- ShutdownForCorrection - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 1 Damage Boost and 1 Strength Boost
- thx100likes - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 1 Damage Boost and 1 Luck Boost
- thx11kplayers - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 4 Gem Boost and 4 Luck Boost
- thx1kplayers - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 1 Damage Boosts and all other Boosts
- thx1Mvisits - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 1 Gem Boost and all other Boosts
- Thx3KLikes - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 1 Gem Boost and all other Boosts
- thx4kplayers - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 1 Gem Boost and all other Boosts
- Thx5Mvisits - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn an Elixir
- Thx6KLikes - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 1 Gem Boost and 1 Damage Boost
- Thx7KFollows - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 1 Gem Boost and all other Boosts
- ThxYoutubers - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 2 Damage Boosts and all other Boosts
- UPDATE2 - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 4 Luck Boosts
- UPDATE3 - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn Damage, Luck, Coin, and Strength Boosts
- UPDATE4 - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 1 Elixir and all Boosts
- UPDATE5 - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn all Boosts (New)
- UPDATE5BUGFIX - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 3 Elixir Boosts (New)
- Welcome - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn 2 Damage Boosts and all other Boosts
Detailed steps to redeem the code have been mentioned below in the article.
Expired codes in Roblox One Punch Fighters
These codes don't work in the game anymore:
- 10KLIKES - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn Boosts
- launchEve - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn Boosts
- shutdown - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn Boosts
- strengthRating - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn Boosts
- Thx1500kLikes - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn Boosts
- ThxTesters - this code can be redeemed in the game to earn Boosts
Steps to redeem the codes in Roblox One Punch Fighters
Players can follow these easy steps to redeem the Roblox code in the game:
- To enter the Roblox platform, use the username and password you generated.
- To find a game on the homepage, type its name into the search bar. Please launch Roblox One Punch Fighters once you've located it.
- Allow the game to load completely.
- Once the game has fully launched, look for the Gift button on the side of the screen. Please select it.
- In the text box, copy and paste an active code.
- The promised rewards will be added to your accounts after you've hit the Enter Code option.
Players may also type in the code, but that may lead to recurring erros. Therefore, it’s best to stick with the copy and paste method.
Check out this A-Z list of all of our Roblox Codes 2024