Mastery is a vital feature in Pet Simulator 99 that helps players earn permanent Mastery Perks. However, it is only available to those who have attained four Rebirths in the game and reached the second map, Tech World. At the moment, there are 11 Masteries in this Roblox experience, and each one comes with unique buffs:
- Potions
- Breakables
- Gifts
- Pets
- Keys
- Enchants
- Fishing
- Digging
- Economy
- Fruit
- Eggs
This guide lists all the X-factors that can be obtained from all the Masteries in the Pet Simulator 99 universe.
Pet Simulator 99 Mastery Breakdown
Potions Mastery in Pet Simulator 99

- Faster Crafting - Level 10 - 2x potion upgrading animation speed
- Longer Potions I - Level 20 - 1.1x potion duration
- Cheaper Potions I - Level 30 - -15% potion upgrade cost
- Longer Potions II - Level 40 - 1.2x potion duration
- Cheaper Potions II - Level 50 - -30% potion upgrade cost
- Tier IX Consumption - Level 50 - Ability to drink IX potions
- Better Crafting I - Level 60 - -1 potion required for upgrade
- Tier X Consumption - Level 60 - Ability to drink X potions
- Tier IX Crafting - Level 70 - Ability to craft IX potions
- Instant Collection - Level 70 - Automatically claim free potions around the map
- Tier X Crafting - Level 80 - Ability to craft X potions
- Magic Potions - Level 80 - Drinking a Tier I potion gives you the effects of a Tier II potion
- Cheaper Potions III - Level 90 - -50% potion upgrade cost
- Longer Potions III - Level 90 - 1.5x potion duration
- Supreme Potions - Level 90 - 10% chance when drinking a potion to get a free tier upgrade
- Longer Potions IV - Level 99 - 2x potion duration
- Bulk Crafting - Level 99 - Upgrade multiple potion types at once
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Breakables Mastery in Pet Simulator 99

- Flag Slots I - Level 10 - +6 flag slots (up to 30 stacked)
- Better Loot I - Level 20 - +10% better loot from breakables
- Mini-Chest Loot I - Level 20 - 2x loot from mini-chests
- Respawn I - Level 30 - +25% breakable respawn speed
- Mini-Chest Odds I - Level 40 - +10% chance for mini-chests to spawn
- Better Loot II - Level 50 - +20% better loot from breakables
- Flag Slots II - Level 60 - +11 flag slots (up to 35 stacked)
- Golden Breakables I - Level 60 - 2% chance your pets turn breakables gold
- Mini-Chest Odds II - Level 70 - +30% chance for mini-chests to spawn
- Mini-Chest Loot II - Level 70 - 3x loot from mini-chests
- Flag Slots III - Level 80 - +16 flag slots (up to 40 stacked)
- Respawn II - Level 80 - +50% breakable respawn speed
- Better Loot III - Level 90 - +30% better loot from breakables
- Flag Duration I - Level 90 - 1.5x flag duration
- Golden Breakables II - Level 90 - 5% chance your pets turn breakbles gold
- Respawn III - Level 99 - +100% breakable respawn speed
- Flag Slots IV - Level 99 - +21 flag slots (up to 45 stacked)
- Mini-Chest Odds III - Level 99 - +50% chance for mini-chests to spawn
- Flag Duration II - Level 99 - 2x flag duration
- Mini-Chest Loot III - Level 99 - 5x loot from mini-chests
Gifts Mastery in Pet Simulator 99

- Bundle Loot I - Level 10 - 10% chance to get x2 loot from any bundle
- Mini-Chest Loot I - Level 20 - 10% chance to get x2 loot from any Mini-Chest item
- Free Gift Speed I - Level 30 - +15% free gift timer speed
- Charm Stones I - Level 40 - 10% better loot from Charm Stones
- Bundle Loot II - Level 50 - 20% chance to get x2 loot from any bundle
- Free Gift Speed II - Level 60 - +30% free gift timer speed
- Mini-Chest Loot II - Level 70 - 20% chance to get x2 loot from any Mini-Chest item
- Charm Stones II - Level 80 - 15% better loot from Charm Stones
- Auto-Claim Free Gifts - Level 90 - Automatically claim free gifts
- Free Gift Speed III - Level 99 - +40% free gift timer speed
- Charm Stones III - Level 99 - 20% better loot from Charm Stones
- Mini-Chest Loot III - Level 99 - 25% chance to get x2 loot from any Mini-Chest item
- Bundle Loot III - Level 99 - 25% chance to get x2 loot from any bundle
Pets Mastery in Pet Simulator 99

- Fuse Animation I - Level 10 - 2x Fuse Machine animation speed
- Gold Animation I - Level 10 - 2x Gold Machine animation speed
- Rainbow Animation I - Level 20 - 2x Rainbow Machine animation speed
- Gold Hatching I - Level 30 - +1% chance to hatch golden pets
- Daycare Speed I - Level 40 - 1.25x Daycare speed
- Rainbow Hatching I - Level 50 - +0.50% chance to hatch rainbow pets
- Gold Reduction I - Level 60 - -1 pet required for Golding
- Shiny Rainbowing I - Level 70 - Very small chance that Rainbowing a pet makes it Shiny
- Shiny Golding I - Level 80 - Very small chance that Golding a pet makes it Shiny
- Gold Hatchin II - Level 90 - +2% chance to hatch golden pets
- Rainbow Reduction I - Level 90 - -1 pet required for Rainbowing
- Daycare Speed II - Level 90 - 1.5x Daycare speed
- Daycare Diamonds I - Level 90 - 1.5x diamond loot from Daycare
- Rainbow Hatching II - Level 99 - +1% chance to hatch rainbow pets
- Gold Reduction II - Level 99 - -2 pets required for Golding
- Rainbow Reduction II - Level 99 - -2 pets required for Rainbowing
- Daycare Speed III - Level 99 - 2x Daycare speed
- Daycare Diamonds II - Level 99 - 2x diamond loot from Daycare
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Keys Mastery in Pet Simulator 99

- Crystal Protector I - Level 10 - 5% chance to keep your Crystal Key after opening a Crystal Chest
- Tech Protector I - Level 20 - 5% chance to keep your Tech Key after opening a Tech Chest
- Crystal Loot I - Level 30 - +10% better loot from the Crystal Chest
- Void Protector I - Level 40 - 5% chance to keep your Void Key after opening a Void Chest
- Combine All - Level 40 - Gain the ability to combine all keys at once
- Tech Loot I - Level 50 - +10% better loot from the Tech Chest
- Secret Protector I - Level 50 - 5% chance to keep your Secret Key after opening a Secret Room
- Void Loot I - Level 60 - +10% better loot from the Void Chest
- Free Tech I - Level 60 - Small chance to get a free Tech Key when combining a Crystal Key
- Free Secret I - Level 70 - Small chance to get a free Secret Key when combining a Tech Key
- Crystal Loot II - Level 80 - +15% better loot from the Crystal Chest
- Tech Loot II - Level 80 - +15% better loot from the Tech Chest
- Void Loot II - Level 90 - +15% better loot from the Void Chest
- Crystal Protector II - Level 90 - 10% chance to keep your Crystal Key after opening a Crystal Chest
- Secret Protector II - Level 90 - 10% chance to keep your Secret Key after opening a Secret Room
- Tech Protector II - Level 90 - 10% chance to keep your Void Key after opening a Void Chest
- Crystal Loot III - Level 99 - +25% better loot from the Tech Chest
- Tech Loot III - Level 99 - +25% better loot from the Void Chest
- Free Secret II - Level 99 - 2x chance to get a free Secret Key when combining a Tech Key
- Free Tech II - Level 99 - 2x chance to get a free Tech Key when combining a Crystal Key
Enchants Mastery in Pet Simulator 99

- Faster Crafting - Level 10 - 2x enchant upgrading animation speed
- Cheaper Enchants I - Level 30 - -15% enchant upgrade cost
- Cheaper Enchants II - Level 50 - -30% enchant upgrade cost
- Tier VIII Usage - Level 50 - Ability to equip Tier VIII enchants
- Better Crafting I - Level 60 - -1 enchant required for upgrade
- Tier IX Usage - Level 60 - Ability to equip Tier IX enchants
- Tier VIII Crafting - Level 70 - Ability to craft Tier VIII enchants
- Instant Collection - Level 70 - Automatically claim free enchants around the map
- Tier IX Crafting - Level 80 - Ability to craft IX enchants
- Supreme Enchants - Level 80 - Upgrading an enchant has a 10% chance to automatically be the next tier up
- Power I - Level 90 - +15% power from enchants
- Better Crafting II - Level 90 - -2 enchant required for upgrade
- Cheaper Enchants III - Level 90 - -50% enchant upgrade cost
- Power II - Level 99 - +25% power from enchants
- Bulk Crafting - Level 99 - Upgrade multiple enchant types at once
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Fishing Mastery in Pet Simulator 99

- Faster Casting I - Level 10 - +25% cast speed
- Faster Catching I - Level 20 - +10% catch speed
- Deep Pools - Level 30 - Ability to fish from Deep Pools
- Deep Loot I - Level 40 - +10% chance to catch a Huge Pet from Deep Pools
- Faster Catching II - Level 50 - +25% catch speed
- Bigger Bobber - Level 60 - Your bobber is much larger, attracting 10% better loot
- Rainbow Rod I - Level 70 - Small chance while fishing to temporarily make your rod rainbow, giving better and faster loot
- Deep Loot II - Level 80 - +20% chance to catch a Huge Pet from Deep Pools
- Deep Loot III - Level 90 - +30% chance to catch a Huge Pet from Dead Pools
- Faster Catching II - Level 90 - +40% catch speed
- Faster Casting II - Level 90 - +50% cast speed
- Rainbow Rod II - Level 90 - 1.5x chance to convert your fishing rod to rainbow
- Deep Loot IV - Level 99 - +50% chance to catch a Huge Pet from Deep Pools
- Rainbow Rod III - Level 99 - 2x chance to convert your fishing rod to rainbow
Digging Mastery in Pet Simulator 99

- Better Drops I - Level 10 - +10% better drops from Digsite chests
- Diamonds I - Level 20 - +10% more diamonds from Digsite chests
- More Chests I - Level 30 - +15% better odds to find a Digsite chest
- Better Drops II - Level 40 - +20% better drops from Digsite chests
- Mastery Chest - Level 50 - Ability to open the Mastery Chest found in the Advanced Digsite
- More Chests II - Level 60 - +25% better odds to find a Digsite chest
- Rainbow Shovels I - Level 60 - Small chance while digging to temporarily make your shovel rainbow, making it dig x2 faster
- Huge Odds I - Level 70 - +10% chance to get a Huge Pet from the Mastery Chest
- Diamonds II - Level 80 - +20% more diamonds from Digsite chest
- Rainbow Shovels II - Level 80 - x1.50 chance to convert your shovel to rainbow
- Huge Odds II - Level 90 - +25% chance to get a Huge Pet from the Mastery Chest
- Better Drops III - Level 90 - +30% better drops from Digsite chest
- More Chests III - Level 90 - +40% better odds to find a Digsite chest
- Diamonds III - Level 99 - +35% more diamonds from Digsite chests
- Better Drops IV - Level 99 - +50% better drops from Digsite chests
- Huge Odds III - Level 99 - +50% chance to get a Huge Pet from the Mastery Chest
- Rainbow Shovels III - Level 99 - x2 chance to convert your shovel to rainbow
Economy Mastery in Pet Simulator 99

- Max Vending - Level 10 - Option to buy entire Vending Machine Stock
- Cheaper Vending I - Level 20 - -15% Vending Machines prices
- Cheaper Merchants I - Level 30 - -15% Merchant prices
- Faster Vending I - Level 40 - 1.5x Vending Machine restock speed
- Faster Merchants I - Level 50 - 1.5x Merchant restock speed
- Better Offers - Level 50 - 2x Merchant luck odds
- More Vending I - Level 60 - +1 Vending Machine global stock
- Cheaper Vending II - Level 70 - -30% Vending Machine prices
- Cheaper merchants II - Level 80 - -30% Merchant prices
- Accidental Vending - Level 80 - Vending Machines have a 20% chance to give double items
- More Vending II - Level 90 - +2 Vending Machine global stock
- Cheaper Vending III - Level 90 - -50% Vending Machine prices
- Faster Merchants II - Level 90 - 3x Merchant restock speed
- Faster Vending II - Level 90 - 3x Vending Machine restock speed
- Cheaper Merchants III - Level 99 - -50% Merchant prices
- Auto Vending - Level 99 - Automatically buys Vending Machines that cost coins
- Free Vending - Level 99 - Vending Machines that cost coins are FREE
Fruit Mastery in Pet Simulator 99

- Animation Speed I - Level 10 - 2x faster animation when upgrading
- Longer Fruit I - Level 20 - 10% longer lasting fruit
- Fruit Reduction I - Level 30 - -3 fruit required to upgrade to rainbow
- Fruit Queue I - Level 40 - Queue up to 30 fruit at once
- Longer Fruit II - Level 50 - 20% longer lasting fruit
- Fruit Queue II - Level 60 - Queue up to 50 fruit at once
- Fruit Reduction II - Level 70 - -6 fruit required to upgrade to rainbow
- Longer Fruit II - Level 80 - 40% longer lasting fruit
- Fruit Bonus I - Level 90 - Get bonus from 25 fruit instead of 20
- Fruit Queue III - Level 90 - Queue up to 100 fruit at once
- Fruit Reduction III - Level 99 - -10 fruit required to upgrade to rainbow
- Automatic Eating - Level 99 - Automatically eat fruit in your inventory (toggleable)
- Fruit Bonus II - Level 99 - Get bonus from 30 fruit instead of 20
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Eggs Mastery in Pet Simulator 99

- Faster Hatching I - Level 10 - +20% hatch animation speed
- Cheaper Eggs I - Level 20 - 10% cheaper eggs
- Golden Eggs I - Level 30 - +3% chance to hatch golden pets
- Extra Eggs I - Level 40 - +1 bonus egg slot
- Faster Hatching II - Level 50 - +35% hatch animation speed
- Extra Eggs II - Level 60 - +2 bonus egg slots
- Cheaper Eggs II - Level 70 - 20% cheaper eggs
- Rainbow Eggs I - Level 80 - +1% chance to hatch rainbow pets
- Extra Eggs III - Level 90 - +3 bonus egg slots
- Faster Hatching III - Level 90 - +50% hatch animation speed
- Extra Eggs IV - Level 99 - +5 bonus egg slots
- Cheaper Eggs III - Level 99 - 30% cheaper eggs
FAQs on Pet Simulator 99 Mastery
How to earn Mastery XP in Pet Simulator 99?
Once Mastery is unlocked in Pet Simulator 99, you'll earn XP whenever you consume or upgrade potions, fuse pets, farm zones, open gifts, use keys, fish or dig in the mini-games, hatch eggs, eat fruits, and purchase items from merchants or vending machines.
Is it easy to earn Mastery XP in Pet Simulator 99?
Most of the Mastery Perks at lower levels can be acquired without much trouble. However, beyond level 20, you will most likely grind and use resources to advance further.
How many levels are available for all the Masteries in Pet Simulator 99?
At present, all Masteries in Pet Simulator 99 have a maximum level of 99. The buffs gained from reaching this level are substantial and will help you climb to the top of the global and local leaderboards.
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