Roblox Anime Dimensions features characters from popular Japanese animated series like Naruto, One Piece, Demon Slayer, and many more. The game revolves around traveling through dimensions inspired by these anime series. This means that every player can experience the joy of fighting in their favorite anime world. It's also worth noting that the game has added new characters like Blood Fiend and Control.
Roblox Anime Dimensions codes can be redeemed by players for Gems and Tokens. Players will also get boosts that will accelerate the accumulation of these resources. If gamers want, they can get more codes by following the creator's Twitter account.
All free active and expired codes in Roblox Anime Dimensions
All working codes in Roblox Anime Dimensions
Below are the active codes in the game:
- 1CHA4INS3AW - This active code can be redeemed by players for 100 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts
- 1N40OMI - This active code can be redeemed by players for 200 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts
- 700M - This active code can be redeemed by players for 700 Gems
- CHAINSAW2 - This active code can be redeemed by players for 100 Gems, 100 Raid Tokens, and 20 minutes of all boosts
- CHAINSAW - This active code can be redeemed by players for 100 Gems, 100 Raid Tokens, and 20 minutes of all boosts
- PO1CHIT42 - This active code can be redeemed by players for 100 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts
- RED139 - This active code can be redeemed by players for 100 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts
These Roblox codes will not stay active forever and can stop working without notice. This is why gamers should redeem them as soon as possible.
All inactive codes in Roblox Anime Dimensions
Below is a list of all the codes that do not work in the game anymore:
- 13SH7RINE - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems and all boosts
- 1RAMU2RA7 - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems and all boosts
- 600MVISITS - When redeemed, this code offered players 600 Gems and 30 minutes of all boosts
- AK1U3MA4 - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems and all boosts
- B1EA3S6T - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems and all boosts
- BA131KUBRO - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems and all boosts
- BEAST - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems, 100 Raid Tokens, and 20 minutes of all boosts
- HALLOWEEN - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems, 100 Raid Tokens, and all boosts
- NOJ128O - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems and all boosts
- RED - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems, 100 Raid Tokens, and 20 minutes of all boosts
- SEASON2 - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems, 100 Raid Tokens, and 20 minutes of all boosts
- SH133LD - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems and all boosts
- TOB1U35 - When redeemed, this code offered players 100 Gems and all boosts
Steps to redeem active codes in Roblox Anime Dimensions
You can follow these easy steps to redeem any active code in Roblox Anime Dimensions:
- Open the game and stay in the lobby.
- After selecting the avatar, click on the Twitter icon.
- In the text box visible, enter a code from the list provided earlier.
- Press the Go button to redeem the code.
You can enter a Roblox code manually into the text bar, but this might lead to typos. This is why it's recommended you copy one from the active list and paste it into relevant area.
Check out this A-Z list of all of our Roblox Codes 2024