Anime Rifts on Roblox, created by Winter Hunter Barracks, is heavily influenced by the famous anime Dragon Ball Z. Formerly known as DBZ Adventures Unleashed, the game is full of characters and superpowers from the animanga.
Ever since its launch in April 2022, the game has received more than 25 million visitors. Around 115,000 people have chosen to keep this anime-based game as their favorite.
The objective is to collect power-ups for characters and defeat enemies while having fun with your friends. It's all Dragon Ball-themed, so if you are a fan of the series, you will definitely like the game.
Usually, players need a lot of XP and boosts to win their battles, which is where Roblox codes can help. They can be redeemed for freebies and help one climb to the top of the leaderboards.
Get free XP and boosts with Roblox Anime Rifts codes in December 2022
Active codes in Anime Rifts
Below is a list of working codes that will grant players accessories to head out to battles and level-up at a faster pace in December 2022:
- thankyou - Redeem this code to receive free rewards.
- almostback - Redeem this code to receive 3 hours of Double XP.
- fairytailmonth - Redeem this code to receive 1 hour of Double XP.
- keepyourultrainstinctkakarot - Redeem this code to receive 1 Hour of Double Everything.
- yami2out - Redeem this code to receive free rewards.
- SubToTaklaman - Redeem this code to receive 6 Hours of Double Everything.
- oldbeerusisback - Redeem this code to receive 30 Minutes of Double Everything.
- moredemonslayersoonmaybe - Redeem this code to receive 1 Hour of Double Everything.
- whydisrespectthegreenman - Redeem this code to receive 30 Minutes of Double Everything.
- demonslayersoon - Redeem this code to receive free rewards.
- gasstationworker - Redeem this code to receive 30 Minutes of Double Everything.
Inactive codes in Anime Rifts
Below is a list of inactive codes as of December 2022. They do not work for the Roblox title anymore, however, a player can try using them in the event that they are still redeemable for that particular account.
- piety - Redeem this code to receive 30 Minutes of Double Everything.
- ssj44vegeta - Redeem this code to receive 50,000 Zeni.
- takingitslow - Redeem this code to receive 30 Minutes of Double Everything.
- release - Redeem this code to receive 60 Minutes of Double Everything.
How to redeem Anime Rifts codes in Roblox
Users can redeem valid Roblox Anime Rifts codes quite easily. They just have to follow these steps:
- Open up Roblox Anime Rifts on the gaming device.
- Tap the Settings button on the left side of the screen.
- Copy the required active code from the list above and paste it into the “Enter Code” box.
- Press Enter on your keyboard.
If an error message pops up when redeeming the code, simply restart the game. This will transfer you to a new server where the redemption procedure might work smoothly.
Note: If the error message persists, it means that the specific code has gone inactive.
Check out this A-Z list of all of our Roblox Codes 2024