Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator Codes (May 2022): Free lucks, hats, and more

Codes for Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator (Image via YouTube)
Codes for Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator (Image via YouTube)

Roblox games have all the genres available, and because of these wide varieties, this online gaming platform has become a trend in the world these days.


Developers of Roblox Games routinely provide codes, also known as freebies, to their players. These codes make gaming more fun, provide free rewards, make the player look attractive to the opponents, and increase the player's interest in the game.

Likewise, the developers of the most loved game on Roblox called Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator also release codes for their players.

Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator codes help in gaining free coins and much more. This article further discusses the new active codes of the Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator (May 2022).


Diving into Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator Codes

Active codes

Players should note that these codes are case-sensitive and need to be used properly. Using the exact codes given in the list below is advised to make the code work. These codes are not ever-lasting. They can expire after some time.


· 20HourLuck - 2x Luck (20 hours)

· Update78 - 6x Hatch Speed (20 hours)

· FrostPortal - 2x Luck (6 hours)

· 2020 - 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)

· 2hourluck - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· 300k - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· 300M - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· 400m - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· 600M - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· 600MBoost - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· AncientTimes - 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)

· AtlantisHats - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· Autumn - 2x Hatch Speed (5 hours)


· AutumnSale - 2x Luck (5 hours)

· AutumnSale2 - 2x Hatch Speed (5 hours)

· BeachBoost - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· BGSStream - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· BGSXMAS - 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)

· BlizzyrdBest - 2x Luck (3 hours)

· BlizzyrdOP - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· BlizzyWizzy - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· BlueCrew - 5,000 Gems

· BriteJuice - 2x Luck (5 minutes)

· BubblePass - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· Bunny - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· Candy - 1,000 Candy

· CANDYCANE - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)


· CandyCanes - 100 Candy Canes

· Carnival - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Carnival2 - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Challenges - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· ChocolateEgg - 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)

· Christmas - 5,000 Candy Canes

· Christmas2020 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· ChristmasBoost - 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)

· ChristmasHype - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· ChristmasPart2 - 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)

· CHRISTMASSTREAM - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Circus - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Citrus - 2x Hatch Speed (16 hours)


· Clown - 2x Luck (4 hours)

· Colorful - 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)

· Costume - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Cupid - 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)

· DeeterPlays - 5,000 Blocks

· Easter21 - 2x Luck (6 hours)

· Eeaster2020 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· EpicSecretCode - 2x Luck (3 hours)

· ExtraLuck - 2x Luck (10 minutes)

· Fancy - 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)

· Fancy2 - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· Fireworks - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· FREE - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· FreeBoost - 2x Hatch Speed (30 minutes)


· FreeCoins - 150 Coins

· FreeEgg - Spotted Egg

· FreeHatchSpeed - 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)

· FreePet - Twitter Dominus

· FreeSpeed - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· FreeSpeedBoost - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Galactic - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Ghosts - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Glitch - 2x Luck (6 hours)

· Halloween - 2x Luck (3 hours)

· HammieIsBadAtRocketLeague - 2x Luck (4 hours)

· HappyEaster - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· HappyHolidays - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· hiddenvideocode - 2x Luck (2 hours)


· InThePast - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· JollyChristmas - 2x Luck (6 hours)

· JollyChristmas2 - 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)

· Jonathan - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· July4th - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· KingMushGang - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· KingSlimeGang - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Kraken - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· LostCity - 2x Luck (20 minutes)

· LotsOfGems - 25 Gems

· Luckiest - 2x Luck (6 hours)

· LuckyCode - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· LuckyDay - 2x Luck (30 minutes)

· LuckyDay2 - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)


· MegaLuckBoost - 2x Luck (12 hours)

· MegaSale - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· MegaSpeedBoost - 2x Hatch Speed (12 hours)

· Merchant - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Meteor - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· MILKANDCOOKIES - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Minime - 2,500 Coins

· MoreCandy - 4,000 Candy

· Mushroom - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Mystic - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Mythic - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Mythical - 3x Shiny Chance (20 minutes)

· MythicStream - 3x Mythic Chance (2 hours)

· NewEgg - 2x Luck (2 hours)


· NewWorld - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· ObscureEntity - 500 Coins

· Ocean - 2x Luck (20 minutes)

· Part2 - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Pass - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· pinkarmypet - 5,000 Gems

· Portal - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Poseidon - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· ReallyFancy - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· Royalty - 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)

· RUDOLPH - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· RumbleStream - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Santa - 2,000 Candy Canes

· SANTACLAUS - 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)


· Season 8 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Season3 - 2x Luck (3 hours)

· Season7 - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· SecretBoost - 2x Hatch Speed (10 minutes)

· SecretCode - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· SecretLuckCode - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· SecretPet - Toy Serpent

· Secrets - 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)

· SecretVideoCode - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Shadow - 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)

· ShinyStream - 3x Shiny Chance (2 hours)

· Sircfenner - Spotted Egg

· sircfenneriscool - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· sircfennerNoob - 2x Luck (2 hours)


· Special - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· SpeedBoost - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· SpeedyBoi - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· Split - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· SpookyCode - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· SpookyHalloween - 2x Hatch Speed (5 hours)

· Spotted - Spotted Egg

· Spring - 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)

· StPatrickLuck - 2x Luck (6 hours)

· StPatricks - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· StreamLuck - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· StreamSpeed - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Summer - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)


· SuperBeach - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· SUPERBOOST - 2x Luck (3 hours)

· SuperCoins - 1,000 Coins

· SuperGems - 100 Gems

· SuperLuck - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· SuperSale - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· SuperSecret - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· SuperSecretCode - 2x Luck (3 hours)

· superspeed - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· Sylently - 10,000 Candy Canes

· SylentlyBest - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· SylentlyIsCool - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· SylentlyOP - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Thanks - 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)


· ThankYou - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· Tofuu - 5,000 Coins

· Tomcat - 2x Hatch Speed (5 minutes)

· TrickOrTreat - 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)

· Twiisted - 5,000 Gems

· UltraSpeed - 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)

· UncleSam - 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)

· UnderTheSea - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· Update16 - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· Update21 - 2x Luck (15 minutes)

· Update45 - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Update46 - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Update47 - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Update48 - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)


· Update49 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Update50 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Update51 - 2x Luck (6 hours)

· Update52 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Update53 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Update54 - 2x Luck (6 hours)

· Update55 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Update57 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Update58 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Update59 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Update60 - 2x Luck (16 hours)

· Update61 - 2x Luck (5 hours)

· Update63 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Update64 - 2x Luck (2 hours)

· Update65 - 2x Luck (2 hours)


· Update67 - 2x Luck (3 hours)

· Update68 - 2x Luck (4 hours)

· Update70 - 2x Luck (4 hours)

· Update71 - 2x Luck (6 hours)

· Update72 - 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)

· Update73 - 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)

· Update74 - 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)

· Update75 - 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)

· Vacation - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Valentine - 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)

· Valentines - 2x Luck (4 hours)

· Vine - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

· Youtube - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)


· YouTubeLuck - 2x Luck (3 hours)

· YouTubeSpeed - 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)

Expired Codes For Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator

Here are some expired codes of Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator for players to take a look at:


· FreeDominusPet - Spookivus

· TwitchRelease - TwitchKitty

· TwitterRelease - Twitter Dog

· Golemite - Twitch Golem

· FrostEgg- Frost Egg

How to redeem Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator Codes?


Follow the steps given below to redeem the code for Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator:

Step 1: Open Roblox on any device and Launch Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator.

Step 2: Click on the “Codes” icon present on the left side of the screen.

Step 3: Enter the desired code from the list above.

Step 4: Hit Enter and claim the rewards.

More about Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator

Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator is one of the most loved games on Roblox. The multiplayer Roblox game was created by Rumble Studios in 2018 and can be played with up to 10 players connected on a single server. The Roblox game is all about growing bubbles and earning coins to purchase better gums of different flavors.


The better the gum will be, the bigger the bubble will be, which means higher jumps. Players can also have their pets and stylish hats that they can wear while farming, which will help them gain bonuses that only make their bubbles better.

The codes mentioned above also help players grow these bubbles faster and gain hats, candy canes, eggs, speed and much more. Players are advised to stay connected with the developers of the game by following them on Twitter or joining the Discord server to stay updated regarding the codes and the game.

Check out this A-Z list of all of our Roblox Codes 2024

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Edited by Srijan Sen
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