Roblox Budokai is a game inspired by the Dragon Ball anime series that takes place on planet Namek. The developers have clarified that it is a difficult game that offers little to no guidance, prompting players to fight in-game and earn experience.
For better survival chances, players can redeem free codes in the game for extra in-game cash, rolls, and spins that are helpful when starting off. Players can also get more codes and the latest updates if they join the creator's Roblox group, Bane Unincorporated.
Roblox players can redeem free codes in Budokai
Active codes in Roblox Budokai
Listed below are the active codes in the game:
- BANEGIVESBACK - This active code can be redeemed in the game to get 25k Zeni and 3 Gene Spins
- BANETHEBOT - This active code can be redeemed in the game to get 3 Race Rolls
- BUDOL - This active code can be redeemed in the game to get 5 for Race Spins, and 5 Gene Spins
- BUDOL? - This active code can be redeemed in the game to get 5 Gene Spins, and 2 Race Spins
- BUDOW - This active code can be redeemed in the game to get 3 Race Spins
- DENJI - This active code can be redeemed in the game to get 5 Race Rolls
- FREESTUFF - This active code can be redeemed in the game to get 2 Race Rolls and 10 Gene Rolls
- LDEV - This active code can be redeemed in the game to get 1 Race Spin
- MYBAD - This active code can be redeemed in the game to get 3 Gene Spins
- ONEYEAR - This active code can be redeemed in the game to get 3 Race Spins, 5 Aura Spins, and 5 Gene Spins
- SUBTOEXCELSTUDIOS - This active code can be redeemed in the game to get 1 Race Roll and 3 Gene Rolls
Players can follow the steps mentioned later in this article to redeem free codes.
Expired codes in Roblox Budokai
Players can avoid typing in the codes listed below as they have expired:
- BANEBAD - Players were able to redeem this code for 10k Zeni and 1 Race Spin
- BANELDEV - Players were able to redeem this code for 1 Race Roll and 3 Aura Spins
- banesbroke - Players were able to redeem this code for 2 Gene Spins
- BUDOBAD - Players were able to redeem this code for 1 Race Spin and 1 Aura Spin
- BUDOK - Players were able to redeem this code for 1 Race Spin
- CITYBOYS - Players were able to redeem this code for 2 Race Rolls, 3 Aura Rolls, and 1 Gene Roll
- COMMONBANEBUG - Players were able to redeem this code for 2 Gene Spins
- COMMONBANEL - Players were able to redeem this code for 1 Race Spin
- COMMONLUPDATE - Players were able to redeem this code for 1 Race Spin, 3 Aura Spins, and 1 Gene Spin
- GENETICS - Players were able to redeem this code for 5 Gene Spins
- GIVEBREAD - Players were able to redeem this code for 10K Zeni
- GIVEMEZENI - Players were able to redeem this code for 25k Zeni
- meow - Players were able to redeem this code for 25k Zeni
- WEUP - Players were able to redeem this code for 10k Zeni
- ZENI - Players were able to redeem this code for 15k Zeni
How to redeem codes in Roblox Budokai
You can follow these easy steps to redeem a code in the game:
- Launch the Roblox game.
- Once the avatar is spawned, click on the button that says "Enter a Code."
- A pop-up window will now appear.
- Enter the code into the text box and hit enter.
Upon completing this process, the rewards will be credited immediately.
Check out this A-Z list of all of our Roblox Codes 2024