The Brine Pool is a new area in Roblox Fisch, introduced with the Desolate Dwelling update. It is one of the three primary locations that you can explore in the game. However, it can be challenging to access as you need to navigate various obstacles to reach it. Nevertheless, the trip is worthwhile as the location is teeming with fish.
This guide outlines all Brine Pool details, how to get there, and all the fish you can catch.
How to reach the Brine Pool in Roblox Fisch

To reach the Brine Pool in Roblox Fisch, you must first enter the Desolate Deep area. Then, purchase Diving Gear from near the Shipwright on Moosewood Island. This item will let you swim underwater without drowning quickly.
Now, use your boat to set sail towards coordinates (-790, 142, -3101) or head northwest from the Statue of Sovernity Island. Look for a red buoy, jump into the water, and dive under it.
Once you reach the intersection with a white danger board, turn left to reach dry land. Here, you will find a merchant selling various items, including the Reinforced Rod for 20,000 C$. This item is essential for fishing in the Brine Pool. Purchase it, head back to the fork, and take the right path.

After a while, you will reach the Desolate Pool area. Go to the center where you'll find a merchant and a couple of NPCs fishing. Locate the wall with wooden planks on the opposite end. Purchase a glider from the merchant and swim towards the opposite bank.

Climb the planks until you reach the last ledge. Jump in the air and use the glider to reach the area with two jetting ledges. Now, parkour to the top, where you'll find the cave entrance (refer to the image for guidance).
At the end of the cave, you will find the Brine Pool with its green acidic water.
Also check: A guide to Roblox Fisch Desolate Deep area
List of all the fish you can catch at Brine Pool

The Brine Pool has a variety of fish that you can catch using the Reinforced Rod. These creatures have different weather conditions and bait requirements for you to catch them.
Here is the complete list of fish in the area, along with other necessary details:
It is worth noting that you can also get the Aurora Totem in Roblox Fisch from a secret hidden passage right at the entrance of the Brine Pool. When you're at the entrance of the pool, turn left and squeeze through the crack. Inside, you will find this totem, which can be bought for 500,000 C$.
Also check: The best fishing rod in Roblox Fisch
FAQs about Roblox Fisch
Which rod can fish in the Brine Pool in Roblox Fisch?
You need the Reinforced Rod to fish in the area.
How much does the Reinforced Rod cost in Fisch?
The rod costs 20,000 C$ in the game.
Where can you find Eyefestation in Fisch?
You can fish Eyefestation in the Brine Pool.
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