Released on January 22, 2022, Mecha Simulator is an RPG game on Roblox that was created by White Dragon Horse and has gathered over 34 million visitors, which is an impressive figure given that the game is fairly new to the Roblox metaverse.
In the game, players need to collect mechs and fight alien monsters to rise to the top of the leaderboards. Players can use customized robots to wage war across various maps and earn new upgrades the longer they play. They can also suit up with cool mechs and fight giant monsters to collect various rewards. Gold and Diamonds can be used to collect new mechs, skins, and some other interesting items.
Getting shiny new mechs with better weaponry and health points isn't an easy feat, but thankfully there are some Mecha Simulator codes that can lend a helping hand to unlock new mechs. Players can use the codes mentioned below to redeem new mechs to add to their collection and gradually dominate the fun and exciting metaverse.
Get free mechs using these Roblox Mecha Simulator codes in November 2022
Active codes in Mecha Simulator
Here's a list of active codes for Mecha Simulator as of November 2022, that will grant players free mechs. You are advised to redeem these codes before they expire:
- Award75 - Redeem this code to receive an Advanced Mech
- Like6 - Redeem this code to receive an Advanced Mech
- Like40000 - Redeem this code to receive an 1x Advanced Mech
- NERV30000 - Redeem this code to receive an 1x Advanced Mech
- Rei10000 - Redeem this code to receive an 1x Advanced Mech
- Like100 - Redeem this code to receive an 1x Advanced Mech
- Robot5000 - Redeem this code to receive an 1x Advanced Mech
Inactive codes in Mecha Simulator
Much to the player's relief, there are currently no inactive codes in Roblox Mecha Simulator as of November 2022. However, players are advised to quickly redeem all the active codes before they expire.
How to redeem Mecha Simulator codes in Roblox
Players can follow these simple steps to redeem all the codes in Roblox Mecha Simulator:
- Launch "Roblox Mecha Simulator" on the preferred device.
- Tap the "main menu" on the side of the screen.
- Click on the "Setup button" in the menu.
- Copy the required code from the list and paste it into the box labeled "Redemption Code".
- Click on the "Redemption" button to collect the reward.
Players will immediately receive their rewards after clicking on the redeem button. Double-check the codes since they are usually case-sensitive. It is best to copy and paste the active codes to avoid any typos.
More on Roblox Mecha Simulator
There are certain things players should keep in mind in order to progress smoothly throughout the game. "Daily Tasks" are appointed every day which can be completed to level up faster. There are different types of alien monsters in the game and are segregated into different classes namely normal monsters, elite monsters, and Super Boss.
Super Bosses have their own separate levels and their strength and stamina will depend on the same, so taking them down will be a hectic job. Players will need to level up their character, evolve their mechs, and use the necessary upgrades to get the job done.
Check out this A-Z list of all of our Roblox Codes 2024