Roblox Adopt Me! is the most played game on Roblox. The multiplayer RPG game is loved by billions of gamers and can be played with up to 48 players connected to a single server.
Roblox Adopt Me! involves gamers decorating their houses and exploring the world of Adopt Me! and roleplaying with other players. The game was recently updated.
Created by DreamCraft in 2017, the game also allows players to own pets, take care of them, and trade them with friends or other online gamers. Pets in Roblox Adopt Me! are categorized in various categories.
These categories differ between these pets based on how difficult it is to obtain them and how rare they are. This article focuses on a particular pet in a category called Kangaroo. Kangaroos come from the Legendary category and are worth 750 Aussie Eggs.
Ways to obtain a pet Kangaroo in Roblox Adopt Me!
What are Kangaroo and its worth?
Kangaroo was added to Roblox Adopt Me! in February 2020. It is a little Legendary pet, which can appear as Neon and Mega Neon.
The pet Kangaroo appears like a normal real-life Kangaroo, which is brown with a light beige underbelly and the insides of its ears are tan. It has two black eyes and a cute little black colored nose. Its eyebrows are slightly darker than its skin color to make the brows visible on the body.
When made Neon, Kangaroo’s ears, nose, tail, and feet glow in a pastel yellow color. When made Mega Neon, the same body parts cycle between pastel purple, pink, blue lavender, and white.
It also has a light beige pouch and a joey (Baby Kangaroo) comes out when players unlock Trick 2 (Lay Down). The Kangaroo learned a few tricks while growing up. The tricks are:
- Newborn – Sit
- Junior – Lay Down
- Pre-Teen – Jump
- Teen – Beg
- Post-Teen – Trick 1 (Sit)
- Full Grown – Trick 2 (Lay Down)
The Legendary pet Kangaroo’s worth is 750 Aussie Egg. The pet is currently unavailable and can only be obtained by trading or hatching the remaining Aussie Eggs. The Kangaroo is worth a little more than the Chameleon and a little less than the Egg Stroller.

Chances of hatching a legendary pet from the Aussie Egg are almost 3% and 1.5% chances of hatching a Kangaroo.
What is an Aussie Egg?
Aussie Egg is a limited legendary egg released in February 2020 in Adopt Me!. The egg was released as a replacement for the Farm Egg.
The egg costs 750 Robux (in-game currency) in the Gumball Machine in the Nursery. However, the egg can no longer be obtained by the Gumball Machine and only by trading.
The Aussie Egg has dark brown ears perked up, with a dull light brown center. The egg has a small light-brown pouch containing a smaller brown egg. The Aussie Egg resembles a Kangaroo that can be hatched from the egg itself.

Pets that can be hatched from the Aussie Egg are:
- · Bandicoot – Common
- · Dingo – Uncommon
- · Emu – Rare
- · Australian Kelpie –Rare
- · Frog – Ultra-Rare
- · Koala – Ultra-Rare
- · Turtle – Legendary
- · Kangaroo – Legendary
Other Legendary Pets in Adopt Me!
Here are some other Legendary pets in Adopt Me!:
- · Albino Monkey - Trade for the pet or a Monkey Box
- · Arctic Reindeer - Christmas Egg
- · Bat Dragon - Halloween 2019 event, only obtainable through trading
- · Cerberus - Purchase from Pet Shop (500 Robux)
- · Crow - Farm Egg
- · Diamond Ladybug - Purchase Diamond Lavender (199 Robux). Low chance of obtaining
- · Dodo - Fossil Egg
- · Dragon - Cracked Egg Pet Egg Royal Egg
- · Evil Unicorn - Halloween 2019 event, only obtainable through trading
- · Frost Dragon - Christmas 2019 event, only obtainable through trading
- · Frost Fury - Christmas 2020 event, only obtainable through trading
- · Giraffe - Safari Egg
- · Golden Dragon - Golden Egg
- · Golden Griffin - Golden Egg
- · Golden Unicorn - Golden Egg
- · Golden Ladybug - Purchase Diamond Lavender (199 Robux). Low chance
- · Golden Penguin - Give a Golden Goldfish to a Penguin at the Ice Cream Parlour. Low chance.
- · Golden Rat - Lunar New Year event, only obtainable through trading for the pet or a Rat Box
- · Griffin - Purchase in the Pet Shop (600 Robux). Game pass pet
- · Guardian Lion - Purchase in the Pet Shop (500 Robux)
- · Kangaroo - Aussie Egg
- · Kitsune - Purchase in the Pet Shop (600 Robux)
- · King Bee - Purchase honey (199 Robux) from the Coffee Shop. Low chance
- · Monkey King - Combine 3 Monkey Staffs with a Monkey
- · Ninja Monkey - Combine 3 Scrolls with a Monkey
- · Metal Ox - Lunar New Year event, only obtainable through trading for the pet or an Ox Box
- · Owl - Farm Egg
- · Parrot - Jungle Egg
- · Peacock - Purchase in the Pet Shop (550 Robux)
- · Queen Bee - Purchase honey (199 Robux) from the Coffee Shop. Low chance
- · Robo Dog - Purchase in the Pet Shop (600 Robux)
- · Shadow Dragon - Halloween 2019 event, only obtainable through trading
- · Skele-Rex - Halloween 2020 event, only obtainable through trading
- · Snow Owl - Christmas 2020 event, only obtainable through trading
- · Tyrannosaurus Rex - Fossil Egg
- · Turtle - Aussie Egg
- · Shark - Ocean Egg
- · Octopus - Ocean Egg
- · Diamond Dragon - Diamond Egg
- · Diamond Griffin - Diamond Egg
- · Diamond Unicorn - Diamond Egg
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