Inspired by the anime series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure is a renowned combat-based role-playing title. Throughout the game, players must beat hordes of enemies to obtain and level up their "Stands," which are crucial for unlocking new powers and improving stats.
Aside from sporting character-defining fruits such as "Rokakaka," one also has the option of resetting their talents and "Stands."
With that being said, players can utilize Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure codes to enhance their spiritual abilities and breeze past obstacles. Coupled with that, they can acquire new arrows and tools for free by using these codes.
Utilize free codes to rank as the best Stand player in Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure
Active codes in Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure
Here are the active codes in the Roblox game:
- HUGE - Redeem this code in the game to get DEO's Diary, Green Baby, Heart of the Saint's Corpse, Left Arm of the Saint's Corpse, Mysterious Arrow, Pelvis of the Saint's Corpse, Pure Rokakaka, Requiem Arrow, Rib Cage of the Saint's Corpse and Rokakaka
- YareYareDawa - Redeem this code in the game to get Lucky Arrow
- YummersOneMillionLikes - Redeem this code in the game to get free rewards (New)
Detailed steps to redeem the code have been mentioned below in the article.
Expired codes in Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure
These codes do not work anymore:
- 100kSubsLesGOO - Redeem this code in the game to get Requiem Arrow and Rokakaka
- 200kLikesBruh - Redeem this code in the game to get 4 Redeemed Rokakaka, 4 Arrows
- 262kStand - Redeem this code in the game to get a reward [Prestige 3+ Required]
- 325k_LIKES_DUB - Redeem this code in the game to get Lucky Arrow [Expires May 23]
- 344k_Likes - Redeem this code in the game to get Pure Roka, Roka, and Arrow [Expires May 28]
- 600kLikesFTW - Redeem this code in the game to get Redeemed Pure Rokakaka, Redeemed Ribcage, Redeemed Heart (Prestige must be 3+)
- 80kSubTHX! - Redeem this code in the game to get 4 Rokakaka and 4 Mysterious Arrow
- EXP1 - Redeem this code in the game to get EXP
- EXP2 - Redeem this code in the game to get x2 EXP for 25 minutes
- EXP3 - Redeem this code in the game to get 2x EXP for 25 minutes
- EXP4 - Redeem this code in the game to get 2x EXP for 25 minutes
- GIMMETUSK - Redeem this code in the game to get Ribcage of The Saints Corpse, Redeemed Pelvis of The Saints Corpse
- GiveMeSixPistols - Redeem this code in the game to get a reward
- ily - Redeem this code in the game to get a free reward (Prestige must be 3+)
- Le225kDub - Redeem this code in the game to get Pure Rokakaka, Ribcage of The Saints Corpse, Rokakaka, Mysterious Arrow [Requires Prestige 3+]
- LUCKY_420k_LIKES - Redeem this code in the game to get Lucky Arrow
- Nostalgic - Redeem this code in the game to get a reward [Must be Prestige 1+]
- OMG700KLIKES - Redeem this code in the game to get a free reward (Prestige must be 3+)
- SorryForShutdowns - Redeem this code in the game to get reward [Requires Prestige 3+]
- sryForLeShutdownz - Redeem this code in the game to get 5 Redeemed Rokakakas, 5 Redeemed Mysterious Arrows [Requires Prestige 3+]
- Star Code Infernasu - Redeem this code in the game to get Rokakaka, Arrow, and 20 minutes of x2 EXP [Must be Prestige 1+]
- SubToUzuForMoreCodes!! - Redeem this code in the game to get 2 Redeemed Rokakaka, 2 Redeemed Mysterious Arrow [Prestige 3+ Required]
- Test - Redeem this code in the game to get a free reward [Must be Prestige 1+ or Level 10+]
- ThanksFor50k+Subs!!! - Redeem this code in the game to get Requiem Arrow, Redeemed Rokakaka, and Redeemed Mysterious Arrow [Require 3+ Prestige]
- THIS UPDATE WAS MADE IN HEAVEN - Redeem this code in the game to get Pure Rakakaka and Arrow [Must be Prestige 1+]
- ThxFor185k - Redeem this code in the game to get Pure Roka, 3 Redeemed Arrows, and 2X EXP Boost [Must be Prestige +1]
- ThxFor188k - Redeem this code in the game to get Roka, Arrows, and 2x EXP Boost
- ThxFor200k - Redeem this code in the game to get Pure Roka, Roka, and Arrow [Requires Prestige 3]
- ThxFor30kSubs - Redeem this code in the game to get Pure Roka, Roka, and Arrows [Requires 3+ Prestige]
- ThxVeryDelicious - Redeem this code in the game to get reward [Requires Prestige 3+]
- Yay237k - Redeem this code in the game to get 2 Redeemed Ribcage of Saints Corpse, 2 Redeemed Rokakaka, and Redeemed Mysterious Arrow [Requires Prestige +3]
- Yay242k - Redeem this code in the game to get Ribcage of the Saints Corpse, 2 Rokakaka, 3 Mysterious Arrow [Prestige 3+ Required]
- Yay251k - Redeem this code in the game to get 2 Pure Rokakaka, 3 Rokakaka [Prestige 3+ Required]
- YES150kSubs - Redeem this code in the game to get Rib Cage and Left Arm
How to redeem the codes in Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure?
Redeeming codes in the game is quite easy and involves a simple process:
- Launch the game, choose the menu option, and then click the settings icon.
- Copy and paste or type the code above into the box that says "Enter a code to Redeem here."
- To redeem the reward, click the button that says "Redeem Code" beneath the text field.
Roblox players are encouraged to capitalize on these codes and acquire various benefits to enhance their playthroughs.
Check out this A-Z list of all of our Roblox Codes 2024