In a heartwarming turn of events, Tyler Johnson, center for the Chicago Blackhawks, recently announced his engagement to his long-time girlfriend, Megan Hevner. The couple, who have been together for several years, shared their joyous news with fans and friends, solidifying their commitment to each other. Johnson is also a member of the United States Men's National Ice Hockey Team.
Tyler Johnson and Megan Hevner's love story began years ago when they first crossed paths. Hevner, a Florida native, caught the eye of the talented hockey player, and their connection grew stronger with time. Their enduring bond weathered the challenges of a long-distance relationship due to Tyler's demanding hockey career. Throughout all of it, the couple's love and dedication remained unwavering, ultimately leading them to this significant milestone.
Megan Hevner is the daughter of Jane Hevner-Jackson and the late Patrick Sean Hannigan. She hails from a close-knit family and has an older brother, named Brett Jackson. Hevner graduated from Stetson University in 2012, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences degree in communications and marketing.
The couple's engagement comes as a moment of celebration for their families, friends, and the hockey community. Fans eagerly anticipate witnessing their love story unfold, waiting for the day they exchange vows and officially begin their lives together.
A look at Tyler Johnson's wife's professional career
Megan Hevner's professional journey has been marked by determination and success. She started her career as a senior global intern for Insight Global, gaining valuable experience from May 2012 to October 2015. She then joined Collabera Inc. as a regional sales manager and National account in October 2015.
From March 2018 to March 2019, Megan worked as a regional business manager for 4 Corner Resources. Currently, Megan resides in Atlanta, where she holds the esteemed position of senior account director for eHire.
Beyond her professional endeavors, Hevner has showcased her talents and achieved notable milestones. In 2013, she became a cheerleader for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, adding another highlight to her impressive resume. In 2017, she was crowned Miss Orlando USA, a testament to her poise, beauty, and confidence.
With their engagement, Tyler Johnson and Megan Hevner embark on an exciting journey together. The couple's shared passions, values, and unwavering support for each other have paved the way for a strong and enduring relationship. As Johnson, 32, continues to make his mark on the ice with the Chicago Blackhawks, Hevner remains a steadfast pillar of support, celebrating his victories and standing by his side during challenging times.