On Wednesday, Alex Ovechkin's wife, Nastasiya Ovechkina, shared photos from the Washington Capitals' New Year’s party on Instagram. In one picture, the couple kissed in front of a Christmas tree decorated with silver ornaments and lights. Nastasiya wore a black sequined dress, while Alex sported a dark suit with a white shirt.
Another photo shows Alex, Nastasiya, their sons Sergei and Ilya, and their black Labrador, Blake, near the same Christmas tree. The boys are wearing matching plaid shirts, and everyone looks happy. Nastasiya is gently holding her family.
The last picture is a close-up of the party’s menu card placed next to black-and-white photo booth pictures of Alex and Nastasiya. The photos show the couple posing in formal outfits. The menu card says:
“Cheers 2025 Capitals New Year’s.”
Nastasiya also shared the post on her Instagram account with a caption. She wrote:
"Happy New Year from our family! May it bring much happiness and joy! 🎄 Happy New Year."
Alex and Nastasiya got married in 2016. They first met at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and reconnected on Instagram in 2015. The couple has been married for over eight years and has two sons. Sergei was born in August 2018, and Ilya in May 2020. Nastasiya, also known as Anastasia Shubskaya, is a model and film producer with over 506,000 followers on Instagram.
Alex Ovechkin and family's Christmas 2024
On Dec. 26, 2024, Nastasiya Ovechkina shared moments from her family’s Christmas celebration on Instagram. Washington Capitals captain Alex Ovechkin spent the holiday with his family at home.
The photos showed the family near a decorated Christmas tree. Alex wore a white T-shirt, while Nastasiya was dressed in a striped black shirt over a black top. Their sons, Sergei and Ilya, his mother, Tatyana, and his brother, Mikael, were also present.
A video showed Sergei decorating ornaments and painting stickers for Christmas crafts. Nastasiya shared their holiday decorations, which included a fireplace with stockings, fairy lights and silver trees.
In another clip, Alex Ovechkin relaxed with his sons on a sofa. They watched "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" under a blanket in their warmly lit living room.