On Tuesday, Rachel Yelena and Sam Gagner celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. Rachel, who married Sam on July 12, 2014, shared their happiness on Instagram. The first photo shows Rachel in a silver shimmery backless dress, taking a mirror selfie.
The next was a short video of Rachel and Sam posing for the camera together. Following this, she posted a glimpse of their anniversary dinner, showing the food and decorations.
Another photo showed the couple at a bar, and the final image captured Rachel kissing Sam.
"10 years and the best group of people we could ask for. @museeventco thanks for planning this in a week @fl.aw.less @virasack thanks for shaking my lake look off."
Rachel Yelena continued the anniversary celebrations by sharing another post on Instagram. The first picture featured Rachel and Sam Gagner posing together. Sam was dressed in a black polo shirt and black jeans.
The following two photos showed their entire family: Sam, Rachel, and their three children, Cooper, Beckham, and Cali. Another picture captured Sam posing with one of his sons, followed by an image of Cali and one of her brothers posing together.
The final photo showed Rachel and Sam sharing a kiss. Rachel captioned the post,
"Married the man of my dreams and we created a real dream life @sgagner89."
Sam Gagner also celebrates 10th Anniversary with Instagram post
Sam Gagner also shared an Instagram post marking their anniversary. The first picture was a mirror selfie of the couple. He also shared two photos from their wedding on July 12, 2014.
He captioned the post,
"10 years and we couldn't be happier. Love you @yelenabass"
Sam and Rachel met in 2008 but began dating in 2010. They got engaged in Colorado three years later. Their wedding took place at Trinity United Church in Muskoka, Ontario. Rachel wore an Inbal Dror gown, diamond jewelry, and Prada heels. Sam wore a custom light gray suit, and the reception at Taboo Muskoka Resort had crystal chandeliers and floral centerpieces.
Also read: Who is Sam Gagner's wife? All we know about professional lifesaver Dr. Rachel Yelena