In a heartbreaking turn of events, Savannah Chrisley is grappling with the devastating loss of her ex-fiancé, Nic Kerdiles. Sadly, Kerdles died in a motorcycle accident on Saturday, September 23. The 29-year-old former NHL player renowned for his time with the Anaheim Ducks has left behind a profound void in the hearts of not only his fans but also the woman who once held a special place in his life.
Chrisley took to Instagram to share her grief and pay tribute to her former love. She posted a touching video of the couple sharing a kiss, along with a poignant caption: "I'm still hoping you respond to my text..."
She continued, expressing her deep sorrow and her hopes for a sign from him. Their love story, once celebrated, was marked by engagement in 2018 and ended in 2020.
The Anaheim Ducks also shared their condolences on social media, recognizing Nic's significant contribution to their team. He was the first player from Orange County to play for the Ducks, and his loss is deeply felt within the hockey community.
As the news of Nic Kerdiles' passing spreads, an outpouring of support and sympathy has flooded social media. Friends, fans, and strangers alike have united in grief, offering their thoughts and prayers to Chrisley and Nic's grieving family.
Exploring Savannah Chrisley's relationship with Nic Kerdiles
Nic Kerdiles, once engaged to Savannah Chrisley, the second daughter of Todd and Julie Chrisley, left a lasting impact with his vibrant personality and promising career.
Savannah Chrisley, born on August 11, 1997, in Atlanta, Georgia, rose to fame through her reality television appearances on the USA Network's "Chrisley Knows Best" and the spinoff series "Growing Up Chrisley." In addition to her television endeavors, Chrisley also made her mark in the beauty industry by establishing her own cosmetics company.
She also had a successful background in beauty pageants, winning the title of Miss Tennessee Teen USA in 2016 and securing a spot in the Top 15 at Miss Teen USA 2016.
The relationship between Kerdiles and Chrisley captivated many. They began dating in 2017 and were prominently featured on "Chrisley Knows Best." Their engagement in December 2018 garnered significant attention. However, in 2020, Chrisley decided to call off the engagement, citing that the proposal had taken place for the wrong reasons, primarily as a televised event, rather than a genuine, private moment.
Also read: What happened to Nic Kerdiles? Nashville PD shares shocking news about former NHLer