In a heartwarming tribute to the late Chris Snow, his son Cohen recently took center stage in announcing the Colorado Avalanche's starting lineup. The emotional moment unfolded in the team's locker room, where Cohen, donned a Cale Makar jersey and paid homage to his father's legacy.
Less than two months ago, the hockey community mourned the loss of Chris Snow. Snow was an ice hockey executive and assistant general manager of the Calgary Flames, who valiantly battled against ALS.
The poignant video shared on the r/hockey subreddit captured the essence of the moment, showcasing Cohen and his sister Willa participating in a pre-game ritual that resonated deeply with fans and players.
The Reddit post, accompanied by the caption:
"[Avalanche] Less than two months ago, the hockey world lost a beloved member of the community following Chris Snow’s heroic battle with ALS."
Cohen's role in announcing the starting lineup added a personal touch to the tribute. His choice to wear the jersey of Cale Makar, a standout Canadian defenseman for the Colorado Avalanche, showcases a connection beyond familial ties.
Colorado Avalanche's heartfelt tribute to Chris Snow
As a touching tribute to Chris Snow, the Colorado Avalanche has arranged a sincere gesture for their game against the Flames in Denver.
Kelsie Snow, Chris's wife, took to social media to express her appreciation, recounting a touching moment involving their children, Cohen and Willa.
Kelsie shared a moving photograph of her children, 11-year-old Cohen and 8-year-old Willa, proudly donning personalized Colorado Avalanche jerseys signed by the team's star player, Cale Makar.
In her caption, Kelsie conveyed the emotional experience:
"When the @Avalanche told us they wanted to honor Chris at tonight’s game against the @NHLFlames in Denver, we were so grateful. When they asked us if we would be their guests, well, you can see the look on these two faces. Hockey family."
Snow, who met Kelsie during their time as sportswriters for The Boston Globe, shared a profound love for the sport. Married in 2007, they built a family together and raised two children, Cohen and Willa.
In 2019, Chris received a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a devastating condition affecting voluntary muscle control and causing respiratory challenges.
Snow valiantly fought the disease for nearly four years, succumbing to complications on September 30, 2023, at the age of 42.