In an interview with Frivolette magazine, Anastasia Shubskaya, wife of renowned hockey player Alex Ovechkin, shed light on their extraordinary life together. While Ovechkin's substantial earnings afford them a life of luxury, Shubskaya emphasizes her preference for understated elegance. Despite her access to opulent jewelry and lavish trappings, she remains grounded, appreciating the value of financial prudence and focusing on her personal pursuits.
Alex Ovechkin, in awe of his wife's multifaceted nature, described her as the perfect amalgamation of,:
"a friend, a girl, a mistress, and a wife."
While Ovechkin's annual earnings grant the couple access to a world of extravagant indulgence, Shubskaya insists that she is not drawn to ostentation. She admits to having beautiful jewelry but rarely dons it, as such flamboyance is not customary in their American lifestyle.
With a deep-rooted understanding of wealth, instilled by her father, Shubskaya has always lived a life of prosperity but emphasizes that she was never spoiled. She reveals a sensible approach to finances, eschewing credit cards and valuing the importance of earning money through her own efforts.
A look at Anastasia Shubskaya's purposeful life and her relationship with husband Alex Ovechkin
Anastasia Shubskaya's aversion to flaunting her jewelry is further highlighted by her recent refusal to participate in a program dedicated to showcasing celebrities' most expensive gems. She finds the notion amusing and questions the motivations of those who feel compelled to display their luxurious possessions to the entire world. Shubskaya's humble outlook aligns with her desire to lead a purposeful life that extends beyond material possessions.
While Shubskaya acknowledges her fortunate circumstances, she expresses a longing to engage in productive pursuits beyond her role as a model. With aspirations in producing, she laments the limitations imposed by her commitment to being by her husband's side.
Shubskaya's dedication to their relationship is evident, even as she yearns for personal growth and development in her chosen field. Her dedication to Alex Ovechkin speaks to the depth of their bond, which they cemented with a secret wedding in August 2016.
Shubskaya highlights Alex Ovechkin's financial acumen, which he deftly employs to secure their future. The couple has hired a financial consultant and wisely invests around 20 percent of Ovechkin's earnings in US bonds.
Recognizing the importance of diversification, they have also ventured into the luxury real estate market in the United States. Ovechkin values his wife's input, involving her in all major financial decisions, emphasizing the strength of their partnership beyond romantic ties.