Wayne Gretzky, often regarded as the greatest hockey player of all time, has been a prominent figure in the world of ice hockey for decades. His insights into the game carry significant weight, and in February 2020, "The Great One" shared his perspective on the potential future of fighting in the NHL during a TMZ interview.
Gretzky's remarks came during a time when the debate over fighting in hockey had been reignited, following a harrowing incident in the American Hockey League (AHL). A player was hospitalized after a brutal on-ice altercation, which sparked discussions about whether fighting still had a place in the modern NHL.
The legendary forward acknowledged that the landscape of hockey had evolved significantly over the years, particularly in terms of fighting. He noted that fighting had already been largely phased out in minor hockey, junior hockey, and college hockey, saying,
"You've cleaned it out of minor hockey, junior hockey, college hockey. It's not really part of our game anymore."
Gretzky's observation highlights a growing trend in the sport: a shift away from the physical brawls that were once more common.
While Gretzky acknowledged that fights would continue to occur occasionally in professional hockey, but pointed out that the frequency of such altercations had decreased.
Gretzky noted, attributing this change to the way young players are now brought up in the sport.
"There's less and less fights every year. Kids grow up now and nobody fights. In the old days, they used to fight at 15, 18, 20, but now they all grow up and nobody fights."
According to him, the current generation of hockey players grows up with less emphasis on fighting, in contrast to the past when brawls were seen as a more integral part of the game.
Wayne Gretzky on the possibility of the NHL instituting a rule on fighting
When asked about the possibility of the NHL instituting a rule to ban fighting altogether, Wayne Gretzky remained open-minded, saying,
"You never know."
His response underscores the ongoing conversation within the hockey community about whether fighting should have a place in the modern NHL. Especially as the league continues to evolve and adapt to changing norms and player safety considerations.
Wayne Gretzky's comments provided valuable insight into the changing dynamics of hockey and the potential future of fighting in the NHL. While fighting has long been a contentious issue in the sport, the opinions of hockey legends like Wayne Gretzky can help shape the ongoing debate. It can influence decisions about the role of physical altercations in professional hockey.