The 2024 Summer Olympics will be held in Paris, France between July 26 to August 16. However, the pool matches of the preliminary phase of handball, rugby, archery and football will be held on July 24 and 25. Notably, this will be the third time after 1900 and 1924, that the Olympics will be hosted by Paris, France. This edition also marks a century-long gap between the 1924 edition.
Furthermore, this edition will see break-dance make its debut as a dance sport while 31 other sports will be held at 16 venues across Paris, with Tahiti serving as a subsite. The cost of hosting these games stand at approximately €9 billion or $9.7 billion.
Read more about olympic new sports.
2024 Paris Olympics Countries
In total, 206 countries will participate in the 2024 Paris Olympics, excluding Russia and Belarus.
The International Olympic Committee declared that Russia and Belarus would not be allowed to compete due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. A neutral flag will nevertheless permit athletes to compete. Furthermore, the IOC suspended Guatemala due to a domestic legal dispute and was not officially invited to compete in the Olympics in Paris. However, the suspension was revoked in March 2024, ensuring their participation. There were also concerns regarding Israel’s participation due to the Gaza issue, but Thomas Bach (IOC President) confirmed its participation.
The participating countries at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games are as follows:
Country (A-G) | Country (G-N) | Country (N-Z) |
Albania (4) | Great Britain (271) | North Korea (14) |
Algeria (33) | Greece (60) | North Macedonia (1) |
Andorra (1) | Grenada (3) | Norway (79) |
Angola (20) [A] | Guam (2) | Pakistan (4) |
Antigua and Barbuda (1) | Guatemala (11) | Palestine (2) |
Argentina (105) | Guinea (18) | Panama (4) |
Armenia (11) | Guinea-Bissau (2) | Papua New Guinea (3) |
Aruba (3) | Hong Kong (33) | Paraguay (20) |
Australia (399) | Honduras (1) | Peru (21) |
Austria (44) | Hungary (132) | Philippines (12) |
Azerbaijan (27) | Iceland (1) | Poland (151) |
Bahamas (7) | India (85) | Portugal (45) |
Bahrain (10) | Individual Neutral Athletes (54) | Puerto Rico (22) |
Barbados (1) | Indonesia (21) | Qatar (7) |
Belgium (123) | Iran (32) | Refugee Olympic Team (36) |
Benin (1) | Iraq (19) | Romania (87) |
Bermuda (2) | Ireland (105) | Rwanda (4) |
Bhutan (1) | Israel (61) | Saint Lucia (2) |
Bolivia (1) | Italy (251) | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina (1) | Ivory Coast (8) | Samoa (18) |
Botswana (5) | Jamaica (38) | San Marino (1) |
Brazil (212) | Japan (333) | Saudi Arabia (4) |
British Virgin Islands (1) | Jordan (7) | Senegal (5) |
Bulgaria (35) | Kazakhstan (52) | Serbia (83) |
Burkina Faso (5) | Kenya (65) | Singapore (17) |
Cameroon (1) | Kosovo (1) | Slovakia (18) |
Canada (232) | Kuwait (3) | Slovenia (61) |
Cape Verde (1) | Kyrgyzstan (13) | South Africa (105) |
Cayman Islands (2) | Latvia (10) | South Korea (112) |
Chad (3) | Lebanon (2) | South Sudan (12) |
Chile (24) | Lesotho (3) | Spain (289) |
China (326) | Liberia (4) | Sri Lanka (1) |
Colombia (62) | Libya (1) | Sudan (1) |
Cook Islands (1) | Lithuania (32) | Suriname (4) |
Costa Rica (3) | Luxembourg (6) | Sweden (85) |
Croatia (56) | Madagascar (1) | Switzerland (80) |
Cuba (38) | Malaysia (18) | Syria (2) |
Cyprus (7) | Maldives (2) | Chinese Taipei (39) |
Czech Republic (53) | Mali (18) | Tajikistan (5) |
Democratic Republic of the Congo (1) | Malta (1) | Tanzania (4) |
Denmark (86) | Marshall Islands (1) | Thailand (38) |
Djibouti (1) | Mauritius (7) | Togo (1) |
Dominica (1) | Mexico (77) | Trinidad and Tobago (13) |
Dominican Republic (47) | Moldova (14) | Tunisia (24) |
Ecuador (27) | Monaco (1) | Turkey (70) |
Egypt (142) | Mongolia (18) | Turkmenistan (1) |
El Salvador (3) | Montenegro (13) | Uganda (17) |
Eritrea (8) | Morocco (46) | Ukraine (93) |
Estonia (14) | Mozambique (2) | United Arab Emirates (5) |
Ethiopia (30) | Myanmar (1) | United States (523) |
Fiji (29) | Namibia (3) | Uruguay (20) |
Finland (24) | Nepal (3) | Uzbekistan (61) |
France (503) (host) | Netherlands (197) | Vanuatu (1) |
Gabon (1) | New Zealand (178) | Venezuela (24) |
The Gambia (2) | Nicaragua (1) | Vietnam (10) |
Georgia (13) | Niger (3) | Virgin Islands (3) |
Germany (335) | Nigeria (71) | Zambia (20) |
Ghana (4) | Zimbabwe (4) |
Read more about what sports are not in the olympics in 2024
FAQ's On Paris Olympics
A. A total of 206 countries will participate in the 2024 Paris Olympics.
A. The 2024 Paris Olympics have 32 sports to be played across 329 events.
A. As per NBC Sports, around 15 million people are expected in Paris for the Olympics.
A. No, Russia will not be participating in the 2024 Paris Olympics.
A. Russia and Belarus were not invited to the 2024 Paris Olympics due to war; however, athletes from both countries can participate under a neutral flag.