Owen Hart

The oft-overlooked younger brother of Bret Hart ran with the chip on his shoulder throughout his career. Whether it was based in reality or not, Owen was a great opponent for superstars like Jeff Jarrett, Stone Cold Steve Austin and his brother on occasion.
While his controversial death might have made things difficult for an induction, his omission from the HOF is glaring when wrestlers like the Godfather, Rikishi and Brutus Beefcake get inducted.
He never captured the main prize in the WWF, but was great when he ran with the 'Slammy Award Winner' awards during his career as well as the King of the Ring victory in 1994.
Hart captured four tag team titles and the Hart Foundation feuded with a young group known as DX. He also won the Intercontinental Title twice and would feud with a young Triple H, Jeff Jarrett and numerous others.
Bret Hart and several other wrestlers have spoken on behalf of Owen Hart being inducted into the HOF, including Mark Henry. His wife, Martha, however, is still at odds with the WWE and the Hart Family.
His induction is more than overdue and is a huge example of how not all of those who were successful during their WWE runs get into the HOF for one reason or another.