Unlike the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame, there is no physical building that fans can go to and be in the presence, if only by proxy, of the legendary and not so legendary men and women who reside in that esteemed institution, the WWE Hall of Fame.
The HOF is seen as both a way to honour the wrestlers of the past and to bridge the generations of wrestling fans. However, it has also been accused of being highly political and of playing favourites to those wrestlers who spent the majority of their careers working for the WWE.
In any event, there are certain wrestling personalities who are not likely to be inducted into the Hall of Fame for a variety of reasons. Without further ado, here are ten wrestlers and teams that may have to wait for an induction a very, very long time.
#1 Owen Hart

Bret's younger, less charismatic but arguably more technically skilled brother Owen has yet to be honoured with an induction to the WWE Hall of Fame.
While it's true that Owen never held one of wrestling's big singles titles, that hasn't held other performers back from being inducted. Many fans and critics believe that Owen Hart deserves the honour of being in the Hall of Fame, and scratch their heads at why it has not come to pass yet.
Why he's not going in: Several factors. First, and foremost, Owen Hart's widow is very bitter toward the WWE and has refused any cooperation with a Hall of Fame induction. Second, Owen Hart died tragically at a PPV event, and the WWE accepted culpability for the accident. It's not good PR to remind the fans how they failed to keep Owen safe. Third, Owen's career peaked at the mid card, and he just didn't have the ability to connect with fans that his brother Bret did, resulting in a respectable but unspectacular career.
#2 Miss Elizabeth

Miss Elizabeth set the standard for female valets. Rather than dressing in skimpy outfits or using her sexuality, she instead projected class, dignity, and compassion.
Miss Elizabeth is most well known for the time she spent as Macho Man Randy Savage's valet. The pair were married for a time but later divorced, though they remained amicable enough to keep working together in angles on-screen.
Tragically, Miss Elizabeth died of an overdose while in the company of Lex Luger, and the details of her death are somewhat shady at best. Still, wrestling fans remember the woman who elevated the program with her mere presence fondly and believe she should be in the Hall of Fame.
Why she's not going in: Miss Elizabeth's sad, confusing death is the most likely culprit. It's hard to talk about her and not mention how she died, or the ongoing legal problems it has caused for Lex Luger. There may still be bitterness toward Elizabeth for signing with WWE's rival WCW as well.
#3 El Santo

Perhaps the most legendary Lucha Libre star of all time, El Santo was more popular in Mexico than Hulk Hogan was in America.
The star of over sixty movies--in all of which he played himself, under a mask--El Santo is as much a cultural icon and celebrated personality for Latinos as he is a legend to wrestling fans. Simply put, many believe he should have been inducted before his protege, Mil Mascaras, but he remains on the outside looking in.
Why he's not going in: There's not doubt that part of the reason the WWE created the Hall of Fame was for marketing reasons. While they cherish and relish the idea of getting the majority of the Latino wrestling market, they would rather induct a Luchadore who spent at least some of his time in the WWE.
#4 King Kong Bundy

The master of the Avalanche was one of the few men big enough and bad enough to stand toe to toe with Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, and Big John Studd.
Famous for demanding the referee count to five rather than just three--to prove he had demolished his opponent--Bundy was the big bald bully that fans loved to hate.
Perhaps his career highlight was challenging Hulk Hogan in a steel cage for the WWE World Championship. King Kong Bundy is a true legend in the world of sports entertainment.
Why he won't get it: Bundy's best years were spent working for the WWE, but he was famously hard to deal with backstage. From acting like a prima donna when he wasn't pushed to the main event to being overly stiff with wrestlers he didn't like, Bundy's personality is probably the main reason he hasn't been inducted yet. Unlike many on this list, Bundy has a pretty good shot of eventually getting into the Hall of Fame, however.
#5 Chief Wahoo McDaniel

Unlike Chief Jay Strongbow, Wahoo McDaniel had legitimate Native American ancestry.
The former NFL pro was widely regarded as one of the toughest men to ever lace up a pair of boots. From his stiff chops to his take-no-prisoners attitude between the ropes, McDaniel is the most respected Native to ever wrestle professionally.
With a list of accomplishments that reads like a grocery list of Championships from various promotions, it's hard to knock Wahoo McDaniel's qualifications for the Hall of Fame, yet he has yet to be inducted.
Why he's not going in: First and foremost, Wahoo McDaniel isn't a grappler modern fans are familiar with. Second, he never worked for the WWE during his long, illustrious career. While the WWE has honoured others with the same background, they don't do so very often.
#6 Baron Von Raschke

One of the most hated men to ever lace up a pair of boots, Baron von Raschke stoked the fires of post-WWII anti-German sentiment, which is truly ironic considering the good Baron was actually an all-american former serviceman named James Donald Raschke!
Raschke started off as a referee, but given his six and a half foot, nearly three hundred pound frame, he was ill suited to the task. With very little training he became a wrestler himself, often compared to Hulk Hogan in that while he had a limited move set, the wrestling fans responded to him with great enthusiasm. In Hogan's case it was with cheers, but the Baron received wall to wall boos.
Despite his fame, Baron von Raschke has yet to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Why he's not going in: For one thing, the Baron is a constant reminder of broken kayfabe. After his retirement he freely admitted to not being German, which rankled many of his peers. Add in the fact that many modern wrestling fans are unfamiliar with him--even if they have heard his name--and that he never worked for Vince McMahon and you have a recipe that might make Von Raschke wait for a long, long time for his induction.
#7 "Captain Redneck" Dick Murdoch

Tough, gruff, but ultimately quite popular, Dick Murdoch cashed in on his Texas heritage by becoming a hero to the working class, much like Dusty Rhodes would do several years later.
Despite the Captain Redneck nickname, Murdoch was as technically sound as they came, capable of executing suplexes and mat wrestling with the best of them. However, he could and would brawl like a madman, resulting in legit 'juicing' in many of his matches.
Captain Redneck spent a lot of time in the NWA territories, and collected most of the titles those promotions had to offer. He even won gold in the WWE, enjoying a brief reign with Adrian Adonis as tag team champion. Dick Murdoch remains on the outside looking in, when it comes to his Hall of Fame status.
Why he's not getting in: Dick Murdoch spent most of his career working for the NWA, one of WWE's main rivals in the 1970s and 80s. Also, like others on this list, many modern wrestling fans are unfamiliar with him even if they've heard his name mentioned.
#8 Demolition

If you grew up watching wrestling in the 1980s, you probably got a chill down your spine when Demolition's theme song hit the PA system and they made their slow, intimidating walk to the ring.
Two of wrestling's most legit tough guys, Ax and Smash were veteran performers who were given the gimmick of Demolition. While they weren't the best of friends outside the ring, inside of it they were the best of partners and worked like a well oiled machine. A well oiled machine of utter devastation! Despite having a long, celebrated title reign and being one of the most memorable acts of the WWE Classic era, Demolition is not in the Hall of Fame.
Why they aren't going in: Currently, Demolition are part of a class action lawsuit against the WWE, where they and many other wrestlers claim the federation did a poor job of taking care of its talent when they were injured, resulting in many premature retirements. Until the lawsuit is settled, Demolition will likely remain on the outside looking in.
#9 Bruiser Brody

A mammoth of a man, Bruiser Brody was one of the first wrestlers to have a chiselled body builder-type physique.
More than just big and strong, Brody could brawl with the best of them, possessing a great dexterity that belied his massive bulk. Brody never had any trouble getting over with the fans, though many of his peers didn't like him very much for his overly stiff shots and tendency to go off-script.
Brody's death after being stabbed in a Puerto Rican locker room remains a dark blot on wrestling history, especially since the man believed to be his killer was never charged with the crime.
Why he's not going in: Brody's controversial death made headlines for pro wrestling in all the wrong ways. Also, he wasn't very well liked by the majority of his contemporaries, and those wrestlers passed down their loathing to the next generation.
#10 Chyna

The Ninth Wonder of the World was as much a fixture during the Attitude Era as Stone Cold or the Rock. With her powerful build and terrific strength--Triple H is on record as saying she could lift more than him--Chyna was as unique a performer as you could come by.
The first woman to hold a male singles title in the WWE, Chyna was often billed as being at least equal to her male competition. The only apparent strike against her was the fact that her relationship was broken up by Stephanie McMahon, who then used political clout to get Chyna out of the WWE.
Chyna died much too soon, and is still beloved by wrestling fans the world over, who would love to see her inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Why she's not going in: In addition to her highly publicised break up with WWE COO Triple H, Chyna starred in some adult films after her wrestling career ended. This decision of hers kept Chyna blacklisted till her untimely death, and will probably keep her out of the Hall of Fame in the foreseeable future.
There you have it. Ten wrestlers not likely to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.