#8 Demolition

If you grew up watching wrestling in the 1980s, you probably got a chill down your spine when Demolition's theme song hit the PA system and they made their slow, intimidating walk to the ring.
Two of wrestling's most legit tough guys, Ax and Smash were veteran performers who were given the gimmick of Demolition. While they weren't the best of friends outside the ring, inside of it they were the best of partners and worked like a well oiled machine. A well oiled machine of utter devastation! Despite having a long, celebrated title reign and being one of the most memorable acts of the WWE Classic era, Demolition is not in the Hall of Fame.
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Why they aren't going in: Currently, Demolition are part of a class action lawsuit against the WWE, where they and many other wrestlers claim the federation did a poor job of taking care of its talent when they were injured, resulting in many premature retirements. Until the lawsuit is settled, Demolition will likely remain on the outside looking in.