#1 Bret Hart
Without question he was the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. When Bret left WWE after the infamous Montreal Screwjob in 1997, he joined WCW amid a great deal of pomp and circumstance over his arrival.
At first, fans weren't sure if his arrival meant he was going to be part of WCW or as the nWo. Though he started out as a WCW loyalist, as it ultimately turned out he became part of the nWo when the faction split.
It was at that time that he engaged in some of his best matches in WCW against fellow WWE Hall of Famer Sting. Hart's career came to an end after suffering a concussion when Goldberg accidentally kicked him in the head.
Since his retirement, Hart has faced several personal health issues. Whether it was his stroke years ago, or his more recent cancer diagnosis and subsequent recovery, Hart hasn't always had the best of luck. However, he also eventually made amends with WWE and has worked with them on a few occasions, including an onscreen feud against Vince McMahon.
More recently he has been in the corner of his niece Natalya during her feud with Charlotte Flair, counteracting the presence of Charlotte's father Ric.
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