#2 It’s a logical move
Simply put, turning Roman heel is the most logical move WWE can make. Elevating him to the top as a babyface has not worked, and continuing down that path will just lead to more failure. Every time fans believe the company has perhaps realized this, something else happens to prove otherwise.
The latest example of this is the upcoming WWE Network event, Roman Reigns: The Road to Redemption. The special is set to air the night after he returns to the company, and if the title is any indication, WWE is evidently going to keep pursuing the road leading to nowhere.
This is the definition of illogical, as nothing WWE has tried thus far has worked. So much time and money has been spent in an attempt to elevate Roman, and highlighting his embarrassing misstep is not the way to make it work now.
This is not the time to highlight Roman’s mistake, and the move reeks of desperation. All else has failed, and now WWE is grasping at straws to somehow salvage the whole experiment. This is the absolute worst move the company can make here, and it ultimately will not work.
It’s time for cooler heads to prevail. Giving Roman’s character a new lease on life, and a new reason for being, is the smartest thing WWE can do here. It’s time for logic to finally be inserted in the equation, and the heel turn is the way to go.