The Money in the briefcase has always given some exciting storylines to both the company and the fans. It is also seen as a launching pad for a superstar’s career which gets directly shot into the main event scene after winning the briefcase.
Now it’s the turn of Seth Rollins to do the same and elevate his status in the roster. He is a well-polished performer in the ring and has good mic skills as well for being good Money in the bank holder which leaves the burden on WWE creative to give him a good booking.
Rollins is getting over well as a heel among the fans and with the right ammunition; he could be the end up having the title in his hand soon.
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However, one thing that the company should have with Rollins is patience. Instead of directly making him a champion, they will have to first let Rollins have a good run in the main event scene.
At the moment, there are names like John Cena and Brock Lesnar who would end up holding the title and Rollins going against both of them wouldn’t make much sense.
Rollins cashing in the contract on Cena would only open a feud between the two which will make Rollins look weak. Lesnar on the other hand isn’t that well in playing a face character so Rollins cashing in on Lesnar would be a waste of the man who ended the streak.
While Cena and Lesnar would be busy fighting it out in the big stages, the creative could keep Rollins busy with his feud against Dean Ambrose. The two can fight eachother for more than one pay-per-view and it could be a good parallel angle.
Once WWE is done with the Lesnar- Cena feud, they could let Cena defend his title against Randy Orton at some point and let the authority have a say about the whole thing. This might look a bit boring as far as the fans are concerned, so keeping it a one pay – per – view affair should work as a bypass.
Night of champions would be a good place for Orton and Cena to meet up as it’s not one of those pay – per – views which the fans are eager about.
The two could deliver some kind of match with Orton winning in the end thanks to some well-timed help from the Authority. And as Triple H and Randy Orton would be celebrating the win, Rollins could come out with the briefcase and cash it in against the will of Hunter and Orton.
This makes him a face all of a sudden and also Rollins will occupy that void that Daniel Bryan left when he got sidelined due to injury. Rollins having a face run would also help him being a champion while going against Authority automatically makes him a fan favorite.
If WWE doesn’t want to go this way, they could let Orton get double crossed by Hunter and Rollins making Orton a babyface. Both ways, it ends up in a good way for the company making it a necessity for Orton to win the title.
All the other options seem wouldn’t be the one which can let Rollins take the centre stage as his opponents will be much superior to him.
This one however, would be aided by a well-executed turn and everything that the authority touches is turning into gold making this the best option available to the creative team.