5 ECW Originals who deserve induction into the WWE Hall of Fame

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Is Rob Van Dam a future WWE Hall of Famer?

#3 Sabu

The homicidal, suicidal, genocidal, death-defying Sabu!
The homicidal, suicidal, genocidal, death-defying Sabu!

Sabu debuted for ECW way back in 1993 and remained with the company until early 2000, aside from a seven-month absence in 1995 wherein he wrestled for New Japan and WCW.

In that time, Sabu earned a reputation for brutally hardcore matches and extreme toughness, often wrestling with severe neck injuries. His body was ridden with scars due to weapon shots, barb wire and other extracurricular appliances.

Sabu opted to superglue wounds shut instead of receiving stitches, gifting him his unique battle-scarred appearance. One barb wire match with the veteran hardcore legend, Terry Funk was so gruesome that Sabu and Funk ended up mangled in the barbed wire so badly that they had to be cut out of it via wire cutters.

Sabu won the ECW World Championship on two occasions, defeating the perennial champion, Shane Douglas and Funk.

He won the Tag Team Championships on three occasions, partnering with Taz and Rob Van Dam.

His most famous feud came versus his former ally, Taz as they wrestled over the world and FTW titles on many occasions.

So synonymous was Sabu with ECW that he was one of a handful of ECW Originals that WWE signed to contracts when they revived the brand in 2006, five years after the promotion folded.

He had a largely forgettable outing during the brand's revival and was soon released by the company.

Sabu has been a star wherever he wrestled and for a man who spent so little time in national companies to be so widely revered is a testament to his dedication and talent. A star who is fully deserving of Hall of Fame induction.

In the video below, Sabu battles John Cena at Extreme Rules. The agility and use of innovative offense by the ECW original is a treat to watch.


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Edited by Riju Dasgupta
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