The Hardy Boyz put the TNA Tag Team Championship on the line against Nathan Frazer and Axiom at NXT Roadblock. This was the first time the titles were defended at a WWE event.
The veterans double-teamed on Axiom and got a two-count. The latter tagged Frazer, and they got one back on Matt Hardy. They wiped out The Hardy Boyz with a suicide dive twice, and Axiom took them out with a moonsault off the top rope. Nathan Frazer hit Matt with a running shooting star press for a two-count.
Matt nailed Frazer with a neckbreaker and tagged in Brother Nero. The Charismatic Enigma sent Nathan to the floor and planted Axiom with a suplex facebuster. He went for the cover, but Nathan broke the pin. Nathan Frazer went for a suicide dive, but Matt Hardy caught him and hit a side effect on the floor.
Jeff Hardy dropped Axiom with a Twist of Fate, and Matt countered with a neckbreaker. Axiom planted Jeff with a Spanish Fly, and Frazer followed it with a Phoenix Splash.
The former WWE Champion took down Fraxiom with a Whisper in the Wind and nailed Frazer with a Twist of Fate for a two-count. Later on, Matt Hardy hit Axiom with a Twist of Fate, and Jeff performed a Swanton Bomb on Frazer to give The Hardy Boyz the victory.