India is a nation of well over a billion people and for WWE, making inroads into the country to capture the potential fan base is a matter of paramount importance. By making Jinder Mahal the face of the company and bestowing him with the top title in the blue brand, WWE has captured the imagination of countless fans across the nation of India.
To highlight his Indian heritage, WWE brought back a match from the past that we haven't seen in a decade: The Punjabi Prison. Inside this structure that towers over 'Hell in a Cell', Randy Orton will face Jinder Mahal for the prize he once held.
In this piece, we shall examine five different outcomes for this contest and in turn, elaborate upon each of the possibilities. Which one do you think is the most likely? Let us know in the comments.
#5 Randy Orton wins clean

Randy Orton is all set to take on a man who's been a thorn in his side, inside a structure that Mahal knows well, at least in the kayfabe world. This is what Mahal does not realise though. The previous two times that the men have faced one another, Jinder only went over because of interference from The Singh Brothers.
The Punjabi Prison ensures that the Singh Brothers cannot be a part of this contest. This allows Orton the opportunity to take care of Mahal once and for all and reclaim the championship he once held with the utmost pride and dignity. However, we deem this scenario unlikely because WWE has invested too much in Mahal to let him drop the title immediately.
#4 The Singh Brothers interfere & help Mahal win

Jinder Mahal has not won a match clean against Orton ever since his recent push, at least on pay-per-view. It is strange for him to pick a match that locks the Singh Brothers out when they have been his biggest weapon thus far. Well, anything you can climb out of, you can climb into with almost equal ease.
The Singh Brothers could play an important role in this match as well if they decide to step into the structure. In fact, they could just stop Orton from climbing out of the Punjabi prison, and become a vital part of this match. The Indian contingent comes in a package, and where one man goes, the other two cohorts follow suit.
It is not just possible but likely that The Singh Brothers will find their way into the Punjabi Prison and help Jinder win. Both men can put a lid on this feud and move on to different opponents for Summerslam in Brooklyn.
#3 A draw

This could be a very probable outcome if WWE extends this feud all the way to Summerslam 2017. The objective of the Punjabi Prison match is to escape the dreadful structure, first through the gates in the inside structure and then climb the bamboo cage on the outside all the way out.
It will be a race to the finish line, as much as it is a match and in any race, sometimes the outcome is a draw. This could be a thrilling race with the crowd egging on the babyface, while the heel rushes out on the other side of the Punjabi Prison. A screwy finish will effectively extend the said storyline.
#2 Baron Corbin attacks Randy Orton and cashes in his briefcase

Yes, the Lone Wolf has a match and will be facing 'The Artist' Shinsuke Nakamura earlier during the evening. However, that does not mean that he does not have a vested interest in the main event of the pay-per-view.
Randy Orton could win the title match clean and as he is celebrating, with the Punjabi Prison being pulled up, Baron Corbin could cash in his contract and win the WWE Championship. This does not seem like a newsworthy pay-per-view yet and WWE really needs to shake things up on Battleground to make it stand out of the shuffle. What better way than this?
The 32-year-old Corbin could be WWE Champion when all is said and done!
#1 Jinder Mahal wins clean

Nobody takes Jinder Mahal seriously because he has not been booked as a credible champion yet. If he were to beat Randy Orton clean, without the Singh Brothers, he could very well become a good, believable superstar.
The company believes in him, and so does the locker room, but there has been a disconnect with the fans. Mahal needs to emerge victorious in a match that he should be familiar with (well, at least in kayfabe).
All said and done, Randy Orton and Jinder Mahal are definitely destined to have a better match than Batista and The Great Khali because they are both great workers and it is a big opportunity for both men to shine brightly. The Viper and the Maharaja have much to prove and we can't wait to find out how the match actually turns out.