Uzumaki is a Japanese psychological horror manga series written and illustrated by Junji Ito. The series centers on the inhabitants of Kurouzu-cho, a fictional town under a spiral-related supernatural curse.
The spiral eventually gets onto Kirie’s hair, transforming them into spirals. She decides to get a haircut, but things don’t end there. The hair begins morphing into spirals that seem to have a life of their own.
Kirie’s Encounter With The Spiral
At some point, Kirie noticed her hairlocks taking on the shape of spirals when her fellow classmate, Sekino, pointed it out. Being concerned, Kirie decides to get a haircut to prevent the spiral’s influences on her. But things don’t stop there and soon the hair starts to grow at an unusual pace.
She tries cutting it herself at home, but her hair attacks Kirie before captivating her family. When Kirie's teacher at school yells at her to change her hair, one of the curls flings at him and captures him.
Also Read: What happened to Kirie at the end of Uzumaki?
Sekino also appears with spiral hair similar to Kirie's when Kirie goes to Kurozu-Cho Station later. Believing Kirie is trying to get more attention, Sekino declares that she will not lose to Kirie. Sekino grows increasingly frustrated with Kirie till she breaks it and tries to choke her by putting her tightly around her neck.
The hair of Kirie and Sekino start to fight until Shuichi enters the scene, chops off a portion of Sekino's hair, then tries to cut off Kirie's hair, but fails and Kirie's hair tries to choke him. When Kirie could take it no longer, she broke down on her knees.
Sekino, who perceives this as an achievement, shows signs of exhaustion and weakness as she proudly walks away with her supporters. Fortunately, Shuichi avoids being choked by Kirie's hair after he cuts it short. He moves to a very weak and exhausted Sekino, hardly able to stay awake, and gives the theory that the hair grows by sucking energy out of its victim.
Also Read: Are Kirie and Shuichi dating?
FAQs about Kirie's hair cut in Uzumaki
A. Kirie gets a haircut after noticing the spiral influencing her hair locks when they transform into spirals.
A. No one knows for sure who or what the Spiral is. Ultimately, Kurouzu-Cho is rebuilt as a massive spiral row house, and everyone inside is pulled into the City of Spirals, leaving the village reduced to an unavoidable pile of dust.
A. Yasuo Goshima, a potter, is the father of Kirie Goshima in the Uzumaki series.