The mixed doubles pairing of Akshay Dewalkar and Prajakta Sawant crashed out of the 2015 Russian Open, after losing their semifinal 10-21 8-21 to the Japanese pairing of Yuta Watanabe and Arisa Higashino in 22 minutes on Saturday.
Right from the opening game, the Indian pair were on the backfoot as Watanabe and Higashino, raced away to a 4-0 early lead and then maintained the pressure on their opponents, by regularly winning points at a stretch to eventually win the game 21-10.
The second game saw a similar tale unfold as after an initial 4-4 deadlock, Watanabe and Higashino began to dominate proceedings, not giving any room to the Indians to stage any kind of comeback to eventually win the second 21-8 and storm into the finals of the competition.
Final Scoreline- Yuta Watanabe/Arisa Higashino beat Akshay Dewalkar/Prajakta Sawant 21-10 21-8