About Vtid Booster Starbeam None
- Vtid Booster Starbeam None is a UNCOMMON Fortnite Style.
- It was released on Feb 13, 2024 and was last seen in the shop 354 days ago.
- It can be purchased from the Item Shop for 1200 V-bucks when listed.
- Since its introduction, Vtid Booster Starbeam None has appeared in the shop 4 times.
- It also includes the attachment(s): -Style, -Style, -Style, -Style, -Style, -Style, -Style, -Style, -Style, -Style, -Style, -Style, -Style.
- Other similar items are: Raptor, The Prisoner, Blue Striker, Cloaked Shadow, Enforcer.
Vtid Booster Starbeam None Grants (13)
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