The Indian Golf Union’s revolutionary National Handicap Service is making Handicapping for golfers extremely easy and accurate. The membership is open to all and gives a golfer a worldwide recognized United States Golf Association-issued Handicap which is accepted worldwide and all courses in India.
The NHS has a web portal & mobile app – Halogolf – wherein a golfer can enter their scores in less than 30 seconds.
What NHS will do for Indian Golf:
The National Handicap Service will ensure that every golfer in India is on a uniform handicapping system. All NHS handicaps are USGA issued making them legitimate and accepted across the world. The NHS will ensure that Handicap misrepresentation and fraudulence are minimized. Every round a golfer plays at any course in India can be submitted to the NHS system which really helps tournament organizers and clubs. What was happening until now was that a golfer would be issued a club handicap (some clubs have adopted their own handicapping system while other use a system based on the USGA’s handicapping system, however these are NOT USGA issued handicaps) and would enter a tournament in any city and play. His scores for that tournament don’t make their way back to his home club for handicapping. This gives players an unfair advantage over others.
With NHS, every round a golfer plays even if it’s outside of his home course is entered into the NHS system via the mobile app or through the web portal (shown in the video). NHS has also added another feature requiring a golfer to enter his co-player/marker’s email ID for verification of score. Club handicapping committees can review all scores being entered by a player and also view the marker’s details. Should a player and marker repeatedly submit scores and if the club handicap committee detects misrepresentation (owing to NHS), they can easily caution the golfer.
NHS also offers clubs a ‘tee off check’ which ensures that club management can keep a track of the number of rounds played (through RFID) and whether corresponding number scores have been submitted. Clubs can then inform a golfer if he/she hasn’t submitted their scores. As per handicapping rules, a golfer is required to submit his score after each round played.