The Indian Golf Union (IGU) has announced its new seven year development vision to take the sport to new levels in the country. The vision named Tee20 was launched mainly because of the return of Golf to Olympics.
The vision will have three stages namely growth, sustain and excel. The first stage will look to provide the opportunity for everyone to play golf while the second stage will look to increase the number of golfer and provide quality experience for them. The final stage will create a system where the players can perform and live up to their potential.
“Our aim is to help the game grow in the country and we need to get more and more people into the plan. We want golf to reach small towns and schools, from where we hope to produce another Jeev (Milkha Singh) or Arjun (Atwal). Through this new vision, we hope to take golf to another golden era,” said IGU president-elect Raian F Irani.
The budgets of the vision will be around 50 crores with full backing of the sports ministry. Ishwar Achanta, council member of IGU added that the vision will use famous faces as catalyst for the growth of the sport.
“We will approach products of IGU like Jeev and Arjun, the iconic figures of Indian golf, to be part of the initiative. They will act as catalysts to help us grow the game across the country,” he said.