Indian golfer Mukesh Kumar has etched his name into the history after becoming the oldest player to win an event on the Asian Tour after winning the Panasonic Open at New Delhi earlier today. The 51-year-old, who has 123 PGTI titles to his name claimed his first title at the capital after the tournament was curtailed to just 54 holes because of adverse weather conditions at Delhi.
Kumar was leading the way after two rounds after carding a three under par 69 in the second round on Saturday. His total of eight under par 136 after two days of play, gave him a two-shot lead heading into the final day today. The man from Mhow, however, kept his nerve on the final day. The 51-year-old carded a final round of two-under-par to finally end at 10-under 206 over the three days.
The veteran in fact held off challenges from Indian stalwarts like Jyoti Randhawa and Rashid Khan; both of whom finished one stroke behind the winner. Both of them carded rounds of 68 in the final round.
Honey Boishya carded a magnificent five-under 67 on the final day to clinch the sole fifth spot.
Challenges from Sri Lanka’s Mithun Perera as well as Indian duo Khalin Joshi and Shankar Das faded away. Defending champion Chiragh Kumar failed to put up a challenge as well on the final day after coming into contention after a strong second round yesterday.