Charlie Woods has just started his journey through the junior category and he is already reaping success. This Wednesday (November 15) he had an important victory, and he did it under the watchful eyes of his father, Tiger Woods.
The Benjamin High School Bucaneers, Charlie Woods' team, won the Florida High School Athletic Association State Championship (1A classification). All five members of the team finished in the individual top 34.
The Bucaneers' win was hard fought. They prevailed by just one stroke over First Academy. The third place team, Episcopal, also contended until the very end, finishing two strokes behind the leaders.
The Benjamin Bucaneers' final score was 602 strokes in a 54-hole tournament. Charlie Woods (freshman) contributed a team score of 154 and was his team's fourth-highest finisher.
Among Charlie Woods' teammates, the standout was Jake Valentine (sophomore), who finished T8 individually with a score of 148 strokes. Brooks Colton (freshman, T12) and Pavel Tsar (T19, junior), followed him.
Charlie Woods' team player who finished with the least favored record was Tyler Bruneau (T34, senior). Nonetheless, this was good enough for the fourth golf state title in Benjamin's history.
In the individual order, Charlie placed T26, 11 strokes behind the leader. He played two rounds of 76 and one of 78. Tiger Woods accompanied him throughout the final round, showing good physical shape. The rules, however, prevented him from acting as his caddie.

A total of 96 players participated in the event (two withdrew). Of these, 17 were freshman. Charlie Woods was the fifth-highest placed in that age group. However, it is valid to say that an eighth-grade player also finished ahead of Woods (T12).
Highlights of the Florida High School State Championship ft. Charlie Woods
At the 2023 Florida High School State Championship, it was clear that there is no shortage of talent in the Sunshine State. Surely, several of the players present there will be dominating world golf in the future.
Suffice it to say that, in an event in which players between the ages of 14 and 18 (and even younger) compete, the individual champion was a junior. He is Alexander Weinberg, from Pine Crest High School.
Players performing well at younger and younger ages is a trend in golf at all levels, and this event confirmed it. Of the 11 players who finished in the top 10, only three were seniors at their respective schools, while five were juniors.
The event featured six players who have not yet started high school, five eighth-graders and one sixth-grader. One of them finished in the top 15 and two in the top 50.
It should be noted that this data corresponds only to the 1A classification. Two other classifications (2A and 3A) were played in the championship, where there was undoubtedly also a lot of talent.