"He can’t hit a golf ball 50 yards" - Donald Trump challenges President Joe Biden to a long drive contest during the debate

Donald Trump challenges Joe Biden to a long drive contest
Donald Trump challenges Joe Biden to a long drive contest

Donald Trump has recently challenged President Joe Biden to a long-drive contest. He also claimed the latter can't hit the ball even 50 yards.

The challenge arose during the Presidential debate on CNN on Thursday, June 27, where both candidates spared no opportunity to attack each other. Amidst the usual allegations exchanged between the parties, golf skills also became a topic of discussion.

Toward the end of the debate, both Trump and Biden were questioned about their ability to govern given their age. The 78-year-old former President affirmed his fitness for his age, mentioning he had successfully passed multiple cognitive tests. Trump also mentioned two non-senior club championship wins, suggesting that 81-year-old Biden wouldn't even be capable of hitting the ball far enough.

"He can't hit a ball 50 yards," Donald Trump told CNN journalist. "He challenged me to a golf match. He can't hit a ball 50 yards, uh. I think I'm in very good shape. I feel that I'm as in good a shape as I was 25, 30 years ago, actually. I'm probably a little bit lighter, but I'm in as good a shape as I was years ago."

In response, Biden said he would be happy to take the driving challenge, claiming that he had a handicap of 6. Trump was in disbelief and said that he had seen Biden's swing.

It will be interesting to see if both leaders will take up the challenge in the future.

Who is a better golfer between Donald Trump and Joe Biden?

Speaking of official handicaps, Donald Trump is a significantly better golfer than Joe Biden. According to the USGA, Trump has a handicap of 2.5, although he has also been accused of cheating in golf. Nonetheless, he maintains a quite respectable handicap.

Many professionals, including Bryson DeChambeau and the legendary Jack Nicklaus, have attested to Trump's skill as a golfer. Nicklaus even stated that Trump was the best golfer among all the presidents he had played with.

"Trump plays pretty well," Niclaus said as per Golf.com. "He plays a little bit like I do. He doesn’t really ever finish many holes. But he can hit the ball, and he goes out and plays and just enjoys it. But he’s won several club championships. He can play."

On the other hand, Biden's handicap is 6.7. However, he hasn't posted a score since 2018. Unlike Trump, he isn't seen playing golf regularly.

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